In a division problem, the number being divided.
What is the dividend.
The two parts of a fraction.
What is a numerator and a denominator
A way to create equivalent ratios.
What is multiply or divide each term.
The place value one place to the right of the decimal.
What is the tenths place.
The numbers being multiplied together.
What is a factor.
The answer to a division problem.
What is a quotient.
Has whole number part and a fractional part.
What is a mixed number.
An equivalent ratios for 2:6.
Answers may vary. What is 4:8
17 X 2.5
What is 42.5
The answer to a multiplication problem.
What is a product.
456 divided by 4
What is 114.
three-fourths divided by two-thirds.
nine-eighths or one and one-eighth.
A cleaning crew can clean 6 offices in 8 hours. How many offices can they clean in 24 hours?
What is 18 offices.
45.3 times 3.4
What is 154.02
234 times 12
What is 2,808
The quotient of 778 and 6
What is 129.666
Mario walks 9/10 mile to the gym. How far has he walked when he has covered 2/3 of the distance to the gym?
9/10 X 2/3 = 18/30 OR 3/5
Mary can type 984 words in 40 minutes. How many words can she type in 1 minute?
What is 24.5 words.
In gym class Kyle runs .75 miles. His gym teacher can run 3.5 times that. How far can his gym teacher run?
What is 2.625 miles.
Maggie is getting married. She is inviting 76 guests to her wedding. If each person's dinner plate costs $123. How much will she spend on dinner for her guests?
What is $9,348.