All whole numbers plus the negative of counting numbers
What is an integer?
The answer to an addition problem.
What is a sum?
The "P" in the order of operations.
What is parenthesis?
a – 0 = a
What is the Identity Law for Subtraction?
The top number in a fraction.
What is the numerator?
Natural number that has more than 1 and itself as factors.
What is a composite number?
The answer to a subtraction problem.
What is the difference?
What are exponents?
(a • b) • c = a • (b • c)
What is the Associative Law for Multiplication?
The bottom number in a fraction.
What is the denominator?
All whole numbers plus the negative of counting numbers (… -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …)
What is an integer?
An operation that "undoes", or is the opposite, of another operation.
What is an inverse operation?
The "MD" in order of operations.
What is multiplication and division?
If a = b, then
a + c = b + c
What is the Law of Equality for Addition?
With fractions, the operations for which the denominators must be the same.
What is addition and subtraction?
Counting numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, …)
What is a natural number?
The answer to a multiplication problem.
What is a product?
The "AS" in order of operations.
What is addition and subtraction?
a(b - c) = ab – ac
What is the Distributive Law for Subtraction?
With fractions, the operations for which the denominators do not need to be the same.
What is multiplication and division?
Any number that cannot accurately be represented as a decimal or fraction because the decimal goes on without repeating (pi and lots of radicals)
What is an irrational number?
The answer to a division problem.
What is a quotient?
A phrase to help us remember the order of operations.
What is "Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally?"
a + b = b + a
What is the Commutative Law for Addition?
When multiplying a number by this, the product is always 1.
What is a reciprocal?