Number Bonds
Making 10
Addition Word Problems
Subtraction Word Problems
Fact Families
Make a number bond for the math problem 3+4=___
completed number bond 3+4=7
4 and what number make 10
Jack has 5 crayons and his teacher gave him 3 more. How many crayons does Jack have now? To solve create a number bond and a picture.
8 crayons with a completed number bond for the math problem 5+3=8
8 children were arguing over crayons. Some children went to get the teacher. Now there are 4 children left. How many children went to get the teacher? Use a math drawing to help you solve the problem.
4 Student used a correct math drawing to solve the problem.
Give three math problems in the same fact family as 4+5=9
any three addition or subtraction fact families for 4+5=9
Make a number bond for the math problem 7+3=__
Completed number bond for 7+3=10
3 and what number make 10
Ashley got 5 stickers at school. She got 9 more when she got home. How many stickers did Ashley get today? Use a math drawing to solve the problem.
14 stickers. Student must have a math drawing to show work for the math problem.
There are 6 flowers in the garden. 2 are wilted. How many flowers in the garden are healthy? Show the subtraction sentence you used to solve the problem and answer in a statement
6-2=4 4 flowers are healthy.
Give three math problems in the same fact family as 6+2=8
Any three addition or subtraction fact families for 6+2=8
Make a number bond for the math problem 5+__=9
Completed number bond for 5+4=9
Create a math problem that equals 10
Any addition problem that equals 10
Kathy and her sister always have the same amount of candy. Kathy has 5 pieces of candy. How much candy do Kathy and her sister have?
10 pieces of candy.
There are 7 teachers in a book club. Some more teachers join the club. Now there are 9 teachers. How many teachers joined the club? Show the subtraction sentence you used to solve the problem and answer the question in a statement.
9-7=2 2 teachers joined the book club.
Give three math problems in the same fact family as 4+6=__
Any three addition or subtraction fact families that match 4+6=10
Make a number bond for the math problem __+2=8
Completed number bond for 6+2=8
Name two addition problems (that are fact families) that equal ten.
Any two addition problems that are fact families and equal ten.
Kent has 7 books. He borrows some books from the library. He has 9 books total. How many books did Kent borrow from the library. Show the addition sentence you used to solve the problem and answer in a statement.
7+3=9 Kent borrowed 3 books from the library.
There are 10 friends talking about the football game. 8 friends watched the game. How many friends did not watch the game? Show the subtraction problem you used to solve the problem and answer the question in a statement.
10-8=2 Two friends did not watch the game.
Give three math problems in the same fact family as 9-1=8
Any three addition or subtraction fact families that match 9-1=8
Make a number bond for the math problem 10-___=7
Completed number bond for 10-3=7 10 is the whole
Name a subtraction problem with ten as the whole ex: 10-___=____
Any subtraction problem with ten as the whole.
Josh had 9 slices of cake in the fridge. He had 2 slices. After the party all the cake was gone! How many slices of cake did his guests have? Show the addition problem you used to answer the question. Answer in a statement.
2+7=9 The guests had 7 slices of cake.
Charlie says you can use an addition problem to solve a subtraction problem. He says to solve 3-2=__ just add 3+2. How is Charlie right? How is he wrong?
3+2=5 3-2=1 this is wrong But addition problems do help solve subtraction problems in the same fact family. 2+1=3 helps to solve 3-2=1
Give three math problems in the same fact family as 10-7=___
Any three addition or subtraction fact families that match 10-7=3