What is the answer of an addition problem called?
What is the "sum"?
What is the answer of a multiplication problem called?
What is the "product"?
What do we call the leftover number of a division problem?
What is the "remainder"?
What is the top number of a fraction called?
What is the "numerator"?
What is the acronym known as the Order of Operations? Can you name the letters?
P- Parentheses
E- Exponents
M/D- Multiplication/Division
A/S- Addition, subtraction
What is the answer of a subtraction problem called?
What are the numbers called that are being multiplied in a multiplication equation?
What are "factors"?
What kind of number represents division? (Hint: parts of a whole)
What is a "fraction"?
What is the bottom number of a fraction called?
What is the "denominator"?
What is the difference between an expression and an equation?
What is:
expressions have the operating numbers, but not the answer. Whereas equations include the answer!
What is 253+178?
What is 431?
How do you multiply fractions?
What is "straight across"?
What is the number being used to divide? (The number on the outside of the box)
What is the "divisor"?
What do you do to get rid of a decimal in a divisor? (May ask for an example)
What is Multiply by 10?
What do parentheses do?
What is, they tell you what operation to do first?
What is 3/4-1/8?
What is 5/8?
How many decimal places should there be in the product of 5.97x0.2?
What is 3?
What is the number that is being divided? (The number on the inside of the box)
What is the "dividend"?
What are the first three places after a decimal called?
What are tenths, hundredths, and thousandths?
What is the type of math that contains letters?
What is algebra?
What is 3.5 - 1.25
What is 2.25?
What is this an example of?
42: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42
What is a factor tree/rainbow? (Will also accept fact family)
What is the answer of a division problem called?
What is the "quotient"?
What do you do when dividing by a fraction? (Hint: turning it around!)
What is multiply by the opposite reciprocal?
What does Ms. Hoku say about numbers all the time?
What is, "numbers talk to each other", "math is about finding patterns," or "as above, so below"? Bonus for as many as you can name.