Daily Schedule
Solo Work
Group/Partner Work
General Rules

Each Day, we will start with _______.

A Warm-Up


True/False: When I'm working on my warm-up, I am talking with my friends. 

False- You need to be focused on your math skills activity


True/False: I get to pick my groups every time we do an activity

False: Mrs. Stout might pick groups to encourage learning and specific skill group work.


During class, I am sitting __________

In my assigned seat, at a desk


True/False: If this class is after lunch, Mrs. Stout will let you go to the restroom during class. 

False- If you just came from lunch, you will not be allowed to use the restroom during the class period.


If I come into class late, I can find what we are doing on ___________ or _____________

On the whiteboard or asking Mrs. Stout


True/False: Mrs. Stout shouldn't hear talking during solo work time.



True/False: If I don't like the person(s) I am working with, I should try to work together first, then talk with Mrs. Stout after class about my experience. 



True/False: During class, I should be facing towards my group, table, the whiteboard, or the activity we are focused on.

True- we are not turned towards or distracting our peers.


If you have your cell phone with you in class, the best place to keep it is ___________.

Backpack, Pocket, Locker, away, turned off


True/False: We will always get a break in the middle of class.



True/False: When finished with my test, I should turn in my work, sit back in my seat, and stay quiet.

True- When you are quiet and in your assigned space, this is respecting other people taking the test. 


When I get to work with a partner/in groups, I should

A) be focused on the class activity, including taking our time to think it through

B) only talking with the people in my group

C) Asking questions connected to the task

D) All of the above

D) All of the above


In this class, I will use appropriate _(what)_, include _(who)__, and try my ________.

Language, Everyone, best


True/False: If I want to leave the room for any reason, I will need to have my planner, and passes available. If I do not have any passes available, I will be unable to leave. 

True- Mrs. Stout will not be creating other passes if you do not have your planner. This includes restroom breaks and walk breaks.