Express Yourself
Parenthesis Please
What Remains?
Split It Up!
The Riddler

Tanisha studied 20 minutes each day for a spelling test. Which expression models the number of minutes she studied for the test after 5 days?

20 × 5


Evaluate the expression.

5 × 4 + 2 × 6



The pound 29 cups of dog food. 14 dogs need to be fed. If split evenly, how many cups will each dog get?

How many cups will be left over?

Each dog will get 2 cups of food.

There will be 1 cup of food left over.


425 / 16 = c

c = 26 r9


There are four oranges, and you take three. How many do you have?

You will have three oranges.


Emily has 8 pieces of clothing she wants to donate to her local shelter. She asks 10 of her friends to each donate 3 pieces of clothing. Which expression models the number of pieces of clothing Emily and her
friends donate?

(10 × 3) + 8


Evaluate the expression.

37 − 9 × 3 − 3



A mom is planning a birthday party. She invited 45 people. If there are 232 slices of pizza in total, how many slices can each person eat?

How many slices remain?

Each person can have 5 slices of pizza.

There will be 7 slices remaining.


A model airplane was flying
1,089 inches above the ground.
There are 12 inches in 1 foot.
How many feet above the ground
was the model airplane flying?

90 feet and 9 inches


A new medical building containing 100 offices had just been completed.
Mark was hired to paint the numbers 1 to 100 on the doors.
How many times will Mark have to paint the number nine?

The answer is 20!
9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99.


Write an expression to match each phrase.

5 less than the product of 6 and 3



        What is the value of the expression 100 − 14 ÷ 2 × (3 + 7)?



3,429 people are attending the football game. The stands are separated into 12 different sections. If each section has the same amount of people in it, then how many people are sitting in each section?

How many sections will have one extra person in it?

Each section will have 285 people in it.

There will be 9 sections that have an extra person in it.

3 sections will have 285 people, and 9 sections will have 286.


3619 / 51 = f

f = 70 r49


I’m an odd number. But if you take away a letter from my name, I will become even. What number am I?



Write an expression to match each phrase.

3 subtracted from the product of
6 and 5



Rewrite the expression with parentheses so that it has a value
of 8.

6 + 8 ÷ 2 + 2

6 + 8 ÷ (2 + 2)


Textbooks come in sets of 50. If there are 273 students, how many sets of textbooks do we need to order?

273 divided by 50 equals 5 remainder of 23. We need to order 6 sets of textbooks.


Victoria plans to make 33 fruit baskets for gifts. She wants to put the same number of apples in each basket. If Victoria has 498 apples, what is the GREATEST number of apples she can put in each basket?

15 with 3 apples left over


If a dozen eggs cost $0.12, how many can you buy for a dollar?

You can buy 100 eggs.


Write an expression to match each phrase.

3 multiplied by the difference of
6 and 5



Rewrite the expression with parentheses so that it has a value
of 47.

10 − 4 × 7 + 5

(10 − 4 ) × 7 + 5


The farmer is taking tomatoes to market. His crates hold 16 tomatoes each. The farmer has 427 tomatoes. How many crates will he need? 

The farmer will need 27 crates.


1,617 / 17 = w

w = 95 r2


If a shirt costs $20 more than a hat, and the combined cost of both the shirt and the hat is $50, how much does the hat cost?


$15 (Shirt: $35, Hat: $15).