How would you break apart the number 539 for each place value? (hint: what is each digit's value)
500, 30, and 9
How would you break apart the number 810 into each place value?
800 and 10 or 800, 10, and 0.
Does the order numbers are added or stacked on top of each other matter?
No, you can add in any order and stack the numbers ontop of each other in any order.
Does the order numbers are subtracted or stacked on top of each other matter?
Yes, the bigger number must be on top because we take away the smaller number from the biggger number.
This problem is not written correctly. Why? (it's not the equals line)?
$ 6.07
The numbers are not lined up correctly in each place. The 5 should be under the 0 and the 7 should be under the 7.
Is the following the correct way to break apart 725:
700, 50, and 2? (if no, what IS the correct way?)
No, it's 700, 20, and 5.
Is the following the correct way to break apart 890:
800, 90, 0?
What is 546+294?
Subtract 467 from 719?
895 + 236 + 59 =
Sam wants to find 390+182 using place value. What is the correct way to break apart this addition problem? (what numbers will be added together?)
300+100, 90+80, and 0+2
Madison wants to find 592-351 using place value. What is the correct way to break apart this subtraction problem? (what numbers will be subtracted?)
You will break apart 351 into 300, 50, and 1. You will subtract this one by one from the answer, starting from 592.
(592-300= 292, 292-50= 242, and 242-1= 241)
What is 253+319?
Subtract 223 from 231?
When you stack these addends, 245+17+186, what numbers are added together first?
June wants to add 627+241 using place value. She begins by breaking the problem into smaller problems: 600+200, 20+40, and 7+1. What is the correct sums of the hundreds, tens, and ones?
800, 60, and 8
Colton wants to subtract 647-221 using place value. He begins by breaking the problem into smaller problems: 600-200, 40-20, and 7-1. What are the correct differences of the hundreds, tens, and ones?
400, 20, and 6
Estimate by rounding to the nearest 10 and adding the following numbers: 634+185
Estimate by rounding to the nearest hundred. Find the estimated difference: 538-472
Find the sum: 77 + 352 + 146 =
Using partial sums to add 356+422? Show each step and the final answer.
300+400=700, 50+20=70, and 6+2=8
Using partial differences to subtract by place values, what is 589-364?
500-300=200, 80-60=20, and 9-4=5
What is 478+439?
What is 831-594?
What is 412+37+82+156?