The value assigned to the place that a digit occupies in a number.
What is place value?
What is 70?
What is 200?
5 x 5 =
What is 25?
Claire has 365 pennies. She puts as many of them as she can into piles of 100. How many piles of 100 does she make?
What is 3 piles?
The name of a number written using digits.
What is standard form?
What is 20?
What is 200?
8 x 6=
What is 48?
Of the 832 people at the hockey game, 292 sat on the visiting team side. The rest sat on the home team side. About how many people sat on the home team side?
What is 500 people?
A number written to show the value of each of its digits. Examples:
347 = 300 + 40 + 7 or 3 hundreds + 4 tens + 7 ones
What is 30?
What is 400?
9 x 7 =
What is 63?
A store has 52 necklaces, 75 bracelets, 36 rings, and 23 earrings. Round each number to the nearest ten to find about how many pieces of jewelry the store has.
What is 190 pieces of jewelry?
A reasonable guess about how many or about how much.
What is an estimate?
What is 1,210?
What is 1,300?
6 x 6 =
What is 36?
The number shown by the place value drawing.
What is 782?
To find about how many or ho much by expressing a number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, and so on.
What is to round?
What is 100?
What is 1,124,700?
8 x 9 =
What is 72?
The number shown by the place value drawing.
What is 1,093?