The greatest number that is a factor of all the numbers
Product of a number and a whole number
The Least Multiple shared by all numbers
Numbers that can be written as a fraction
Rational Number
A decimal that contains a finite number of digits after the decimal point
Terminating Decimal
Has a decimal expansion that repeats the same digit, or block of digits without end
Repeating Decimal
Formed by Horizontal Number line called the x-axis and the y-axis
Coordinate Plane
Identifies the location of a point on a coordinate plane
Ordered Pair
A number greater than 0
Positive Number
A number less than 0
Negative number
2 numbers that are the same distance away from 0 on a number line. One of the numbers is positive, one is negative.
Consists of 0 and any positive number. (Not Fraction or decimal)
Whole Numbers
set of positive numbers their opposites and 0
A mathematical sentence that uses different symbols to compare 2 quantities
The distance a number is away from zero on a number line. Most are positive.
Absolute Value
Numbers that we can multiply together to get another number
Point of intersection between the y-axis and the x-axis on the coordinate plane
The x and y-axis divide the coordinate plane into 4 what?
Horizontal number line that together with y-axis can form a coordinate plane
Vertical number line that together with the x-axis forms a coordinate plane
The repeated factor of a number written in exponential form
A number that shows how many times a base is used as a factor
A number expressed using an exponent
Whole Number greater than 1 with more than 2 factors
Composite Number
A whole number greater than 1 with exactly 2 factors, 1 and the number itself
Prime Number