More Difficult
Please Don't Cry

The serving size for the granola that Ted likes to eat for breakfast is 3/4 cup. How many servings are there in a box that holds 13 cups?

There are 17 1/3 servings


A punch bowl had 2.5 liters of juice in it. Liam drank 1/3 of the juice in the bowl.

How many liters of juice did Liam drink?

Liam drank 5/6 of a liter of juice.


Randa ate 3/8 of a pizza, and Marvin ate 1/4 of the same pizza. What fraction of the pizza did Randa and Marvin eat?

They ate 5/8 of the pizza.


A baker is making cakes for a big party. She uses 1/4 cup of oil for each cake. How many cakes can she make if she has a bottle of oil that has 6 cups in it? 

24 cakes

A submarine left Hawaii two hours before an aircraft carrier. The vessels traveled in opposite directions. The aircraft carrier traveled at 25 mph for nine hours. After this time the vessels were 280 mi. apart. 

Find the submarine's speed.

5 mph


You finally get an allowance! You put $2. away in January, $4. away in February, $8. away in March, $16 away in April and followed this savings pattern through to December. How much money do you have in 12 months (January-December)?



Luke sold 2/7 of his magazines last week and the rest of them this week. If he sold 30 magazines last week, how many magazines did he sell this week?

75 magazines


How many minutes are in one year?

~512,640 minutes


Nina's math classroom is 6 and 4/5 meters long and 1 and 3/8 meters wide. What is the area of the classroom?

9 & 7/20


Anne can paint a room in 6 hours while Barbara can paint a room in 4 hours. How much time will it take if they work together?

2.25 hours/2 hrs and 24 mins.


A car is traveling 75 kilometers per hour. How many meters does the car travel in one minute?

1,250 meters per minute


Your brother traveled 117 miles in 2.25 hours to come home for school break. What’s the average speed that he was traveling? (in miles per hour)

*the average* of  5, 7, and 9= 7

52 mph


An aircraft carrier made a trip to Guam and back. The trip there took three hours and the trip back took four hours. It averaged 6 km/h on the return trip. Find the average speed of the trip there.

8 km/h


Mrs. Adams is the head of the city's Health Club in their small town. 2/3 of the club members like fruit. Among those who like fruit, 5/10 prefer oranges. What fraction of club members have oranges as their favorite fruit?



Jose left the White House and drove toward the recycling plant at an average speed of 40 km/h. Rob left some time later driving in the same direction at an average speed of 48 km/h. After driving for five hours Rob caught up with Jose. 

How long did Jose drive before Rob caught up?

6 hours