Number words
Graphs and Tables
Number Sentences
Suprise Category
-twenty thousand, seven hundred eighty-five -twenty tousand seven eighty five -twenty thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five -twenty, and seven eighty-five
What is this number written in words?
-A -B -C -D
3/3/12 Which of the following circle graphs shows the same information as Tina's tally marks?
-A 9 -B 8 -C 7 -D 6
What number goes in the box to make this sentence true? 6 x _ = 42
A Add 16 B Multiply by 5 C Subtract 16 D Divide by 5
How do you get the next number in this pattern? 4,20,100, __
(Response checked by teacher according to the time on the classroom clock)
What is the time on the clock now to the closest minute?
-four dollars and sixty three cents -fourty dollars sixty- cents -four dollars sixty-three cents -four dollars and sixteen three cents
What is $4.63 written in words?
-A 21 -B 22 -C 24 -D 20
3/3/20 How many stamps do you think Lena will have in Month 4 according to the chart?
A 21-14= __ B 21+14= __ C 21 :__=14 D __x 14=21
Jameel had 21 stickers. His sister gave him 14 more. Which number sentence shows how many stickers Jameel has now?
A 76 B 82 C 87 D 92
Carlos had the following quiz scores: 76,82,76,82,92,82,87,76,82,92 Which score did he receive most often?
A $16.34 B $15.24 C $16.24 D $15.34
3/2/9 What is the value of the money shown on the screen?
-fourty thousand and forty -forty thousand and four -forty thousand, four -forty thousand four dollars
How do you write 40, 004 in words?
-A E -B F -C G -D H
3/3/10 Which of the following points is located at (9,4) on the grid ?
A 3 B 4 C 6 D 7
What is the solution to this problem? 9(27
A the ages of Wanda and Luis B the sum of the laps they swam C the number of laps Wanda swam D the number of laps Luis swam
Wanda is 10 years old and swam 20 laps in the pool. Luis is 11 years old and swam 22 laps in the pool. How many laps did they swim together? Which information DOES NOT help you know how many laps Wanda and Luis swam?
A centimeters B grams C liters D meters
A farmer wanted to know how far it is across his field. Which is the best way to measure the distance across his field?
- $318.05 - $385.15 - $385.50 - $308.15
How is three hundred eighty five dollars and fifty cents in numerical form?
-A -B -C -D
3/3/13 Which bar graph shows the same results as the table?
A blue B orange C white D yellow
Peter has 18 marbles in a jar. There are 4 blue marbles, 3 yeallow marbles, 5 white marbles, and 6 orange marbles. Without looking, Peter reaches into the jar and takes out one marble. What color marble is he least likely to get?
A 432 B 216 C 72 D 12
Which of the following show how many inches are in 6 feet?
- $ 7. 40 - $ 70.40 - $ 70,000.04 - $ 70,000.40
How do you write seventy thousand dollars, forty cents using numbers?
- Divide the input by 7. - Multiply the input by 7. - Add 24 to the input. - Subtract 24 from the input.
INPUT OUTPUT 4__________28 8__________56 9__________63 Which of the following could be the rule to get from the input to the output?
A 245 B 155 C 165 D 853
What is the solution to the problem? 504 -349
A 50 B 6,000 C 800 D 600
ESTIMATE the number that is closest to 17x 32.
A 618, 594, 327, 286 B 286, 327, 594, 618 C 618, 327, 594, 286 D 286, 327, 618, 594
Which of the following shows greatest to least?