DWP 2.0
Game Night

What the procedure for a binder that needs updates?

Mark it on the DWP, put a binder clip on it, make sure it gets on the binders that needs updates shelf


How is homework handled within the DWP?

Indicate whether or not the student has schoolwork. Saying yes will populate additional questions/prompts. Answer those as appropriate.


What is the process for students redeeming rewards?

The student lets you know what they want, they hand you the appropriate number of cards, you rip the cards up and throw them out. Technically speaking no student should be looking at rewards without instructor supervision, but realistically we are too high volume of a center to enforce that rule. As such, it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure noting is being taken.


Give an example of something that should go in “Notes for Center Director” versus something that I need to be told about right away?

Notes for center director: “Sally finished the mastery check for  PK-1111 but she doesn’t really understand it and could probably benefit from seeing it again.” | Tell me right away: “Billy hit another student today.”


Who is welcome to come to game night?



What is the procedure for a finished mastery check?

Initial and date it, mark in the DWP, put in the tray at the front


How much time should a student be spending on homework during their session?

No more than half their session


How many punches are on each card level?

White cards (level 1): 24 punches; red cards (level 2): 18 punches; black cards (level 3): 12 punches.


What is the first thing you should do after a student sits down with you and you check them in?

Check the notes from center director field.


What is the most important job for everyone working game night?

Keeping students safe and in the building until their parents arrive.


What should you do if radius will not allow you to check a student in?

Check to see if they are already checked in. If yes, were they checked in today by another instructor or were they not checked out on a previous day? If they are not already checked in, let me know. If the issue is not resolved by the time their session is over, send me an email with what you would have put in the DWP (most importantly start and end time).


What should you do if a student requests practice on specific topic?

Let me know, but also tell the student that if they want practice on a specific topic the adult in charge of them needs to email us before their session. If they ask during their session, we will do our best but make no guarantees.


How do students earn punches for assessments, if at all?

They get a punch for each page. The instructor gives these punches. They also get a punch for every correct answer. We give them these punches when we score the assessments. Make sure to tell the kids this so they are motivated to actually try instead of just putting question marks to get it over with.


How is session page goal determined?

A combination of your judgment, discussion with the student, and the average number of pages that they completed over the past 3 sessions.


How are we going to get a head count for the first game night?

Ask the kids in the weeks leading up and let me know via notes to center director.


What should you do if a student asks for help on an assessment or mastery check?

Make sure the issue is not simply that they can’t read and/or understand the problem (feel free to check with me if you don’t know if it’s a question you should be answering or not). If the issue is simply that they don’t know the math, let them know that that’s okay, just put a question mark and move on (for assessments) or try it on their own and you will help after (for mastery checks).


What should you do if you are unsure about a student’s homework problem?

Ask someone else (but also don’t indicate to the student that you don’t know how to do the problem).


What do they different levels mean?

Based on the level of math the student is doing at Mathnasium. Level 1 is elementary school. Level 2 is middle school. Level 3 is high school. Do not tell the students this. It can be incredibly disheartening if they are aware that they are significantly behind grade level.


In the context of the DWP, what do you do when a student has a double session?

Check them out and back in after the first hour.


When will game nights be held?

Fridays from 7:00 – 8:30, approximately once a month.


What is the dress code for instructors?

Employees are expected to dress in Mathnasium branded apparel, whenever possible, or accepted business casual attire.  Any clothing with graphics besides the Mathnasium logo is not allowed.  Shirts or tops should follow Mathnasium’s colors: red, white, black, or grey.

Acceptable Tops: Mathnasium branded polos, button-downs, professional sleeveless—4 finger width straps, or nicer tops.

Acceptable Bottoms: Any nice pants, skirts, or dresses that are clean, free of holes/rips, and hemmed below the knee.

Unacceptable Attire: Leggings, shorts, cut offs, tank tops, flip-flops, and gym/beach-ware.

A staff nametag is loaned to the employee for the duration of employment and must be worn during any scheduled hours.  It is advised to leave the nametag at the center each evening to ensure that it is not forgotten.


What is the difference between a CP student and a TP student?

TP students are allowed to spend as much time as they want on schoolwork. CP students should be following the no more than half the session guideline. (Not the answer we are looking for but it would also be true to say that CP students work in 4:1 ration and TP students work in 2:1 ratio).


What is the process for students redeeming gift cards?

Elementary and middle schoolers must have a parent send an email as a way for parents to “give permission.” The email should include what kind of gift card they want and how many cards they would like to exchange for their gift card. High schoolers are old enough that you can just tell them to let me know. 1 card is 1 dollar with a minimum of $10. Bonus question/fact: students can get visa gift card but let them know that there is a $5 fee, so they need to give us 5 extra cards (ex. In order to get a $50 visa gift card they need 55 cards).


What is the difference between pre assessment, progress check, and post assessment (i.e. how do you know which is which?)

Pre assessments and post assessments are labeled as such in the footer at the bottom. Progress checks say so at the top.


How is game night champion decided?

Game Night Champion is a student who comes to Game Night and has a great time, plays the games correctly, AND makes sure to help other students enjoy themselves and play the games correctly as well.