When rounding decimals, if the next digit is between 0-4 it ...
Stays the same
How many student's first names in this class begin with the letter "A"...
Abbey, Aria, Ajak, Amelia
First topic we introduced in 9 Found Maths...
Rounding Decimals
Miss Saunders' favourite number
Time and a half is represented as...
x 1.5
Convert the annual salary of $76,900 into fortnightly pays (round answers to the nearest cent).
NOTE: Fortnight = 26.07
Who’s name in this class is also a flower?
Lilly, Lily
Second topic we introduced in 9 Found Maths...
Where is Miss Saunders' Office...
HP building upstairs
The amount of money a person earns is called...
Gross Pay
Calculate the weekly wage of Ivy who works a standard 38 hours week as a supermarket worker earning $19.70 per hour...
Umbrella topic we are currently working under...
Financial Maths
Salaries are normally divided up in to (time period of pay)...
Fortnightly or Monthly
Round 1.996 to 2 decimal places...
How many students in this class are in Padua?
The topic we will be starting next...
If Miss Saunders is 26 years old, turning 27 this year, what year did she graduate from SHC...
Where a person is paid a set amount for a year, no matter how many hours they work, this is called...
A Salary
Sam works in a cafe. Last week he worked 8 hrs on Monday, 7 hrs on Tuesday, 9 hrs on Wednesday, 8 hrs on Thursday, 9 hrs on Friday and 4 hrs on Saturday. If he is paid $22.75 per hour, and time and a half for anything over 38 hrs how much does he earn for the week?
Which student has the same surname as a Teacher at this school
Miss Reid
The topic that follows "Financial Maths"...
In which 10's bracket did Miss Saunders fall into for her ATAR... (e.g. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s)
What are penalty rates... Give an example...
When you are paid extra for working additional hours i.e. Public Holidays, Sundays