The sum of $67110 and $39468.
What is $106,578.
Take away 79,836 from 564,117.
What is 484,281.
The product of 50 x 8.
What is 400.
Complete 84/12.
What is 7.
Complete 46391 - (2401 + 435).
What is 43555.
The total of $74068 and $7985.
What is $82,053.
How much less than $43,617 is $1079.
What is 42,538.
Find the product of 7.1 x 5.
What is 35.5
Complete 600/12.
What is 50.
Add then round the answer to the nearest thousand: 71,941 + 63,487.
What is 135,000.
Combine the values of $52987 and $63416.
What is $116,403.
The difference between 9105 and 7638.
What is 1467.
The product of forty-seven and eighteen.
What is 846.
Complete 3200/8.
What is 400.
The sum of the four consecutive numbers 63721, 63722, 63723 and 63724.
What is 254,890.
The total of 7439cm + 1087cm +7421cm.
What is 15,947cm.
What must be added to 14981 to obtain 20,985.
What is 6004.
The product of fifty-two and forty-eight.
What is 2496.
Complete 2800/4.
What is 700.
Find the total of $17835 and $9467.
What is $27302.
47,348mm + 63,914mm + 17,247mm.
What is 128,509mm.
The difference between 69,381 and 24,749 tennis rackets.
What is 44,632 tennis rackets.
The product of 73 x 81.
What is 5913.
Complete 560/7.
What is 80.
The product of sixty-two and ninety-four.
What is 5828.