The Hat and the Superglue
The Ghost
At Your Own Risk

Matilda used this to get her dad's hat off the peg. pg 30

What is a walking stick?


This was the ghost. pg 45

What is a parrot?


Mr. Wormwood was ______because he sold _____ cars. pg 50

What is pleased because he sold 5 cars?


You can infer that Matilda is this compared to her family. 

Give an example from any of the three chapters

What is smart/clever?

playing tricks on them

add in her head large numbers


pg 35

extremely silly or absurd 

What is ridiculous?


Mr. Wormwood adopted this to save face. pg 32

What is a casual attitude?


Matilda froze in horror because of this. pg 40

What is her father ripping the pages from her book and throwing them away?


The total was this amount of profit for the sales of his cars. pg 53

What is 4303 pounds and 50 pence


This story structure contributes to the plot of the chapter 'The Ghost' and is where Matilda played her second prank. 

1. Identify the place and (2) then the story structure.

What is the dining room?

What is the setting?


pg 36

incapable of doing something 

im - not or no 

What is impossible? 


Who accused Mrs. Wormwood of sticking her finger in her nose?  pg 34

Who is Matilda?


Matilda decided to do this like Napoleon. pg 41

What counter attack?


Michael and Matilda are different because_____?

What Michael is not as smart/clever as Matilda?


This story element explains why Matilda put superglue on her father's hat and why tricked her family there is a ghost in the house.

What is conflict?


pg 38 as dark as thunder is this part of speech.

What is a simile?


Matilda was as feeling this by her action? pg 37

You could describe Mr. Wormwood as having this character trait towards Matilda.

What is satisfactory? 

What is mean/cruel/nasty?


Mr. Wormwood a could this when looking for the burglars. 

The evidence is in this page.

What is afraid/coward?

What is page


You can infer that Mr. Wormwood was ______________ based on his reaction to Matilda giving the correction amount. pg 54

What is shocked/disbelief?


The chapters 'The Superglue and the Hat', 'The Ghost' and 'Arithmetic' are all told from this point of view.

Give evidence

Third person

her, they, character names, she,


to make very furious pg 38

What is infuriated?


This was used to remove the hat from Mr. Wormwood's head. pg 36

He looked like this when the hat was removed. pg 36

What is a scissor? 

Who is like a monk?


pg 48

"I know it's a __________!" Matilda said. ..... "This room is ______________!" I thought you knew that."

The family reacted in this way when Matilda said the above. 

"I know it's a ghost!" Matilda said. ..... "This room is haunted!" I thought you knew that."

They fled, slamming the door behind them.


An inference you can make about Mrs. Wormwood is that she is ___________________ based on page 55

Give evidence

What is lazy? 

After bingo exhausted physically and emotionally that she didn't have any energy left to cook an evening meal.


The chapter 'Arithmetic' is different from the chapters 'The Superglue and the Hat' and 'The Ghost' in this way.

All three chapters are similar by describing Matilda as have this character trait.

What is 'The Superglue and the Hat' and 'The Ghost are about Matilda tricking her parents. 'Arithmetic' is showing how she could add in her head?

What is smart?


 inspiring horror, dismay or disgust looking pg 50

What is appalling?