General Aerodrome Lighting
Other Airport Lighting

The weather at CYXS on the 19th at 2000 local time

TAF CYXS 200040Z 2001/2013 20007KT P6SM SCT060 BKN090
TEMPO 2001/2005 P6SM -SHRA BKN060

What is light rain showers?


When does current ATIS broadcast information need not be issued?

What must still be included?

The pilot acknowledges receipt of the ATIS broadcast?

The runway number must always be stated. Inform pilots of any new and pertinent information that differs from the current ATIS message.


When do you operate airport lighting?

As required to facilitate or safeguard aerodrome traffic.

Only as long as required.

As requested by a pilot, except for obstruction lights, which must be operated continuously under specified conditions


When to operate runway edge, centerline and touchdown zone lighting?

Arriving Aircraft:
 - At least 5 minutes before the ETA of an aircraft
 - Until the aircraft has taxied clear of the runway

Departing Aircraft (no touchdown zone lighting):
 - Before the aircraft enters the runway
 - Until at least 3 minutes after departure


What is the minimum for visual meteorological conditions?

A ceiling of not less than 1000 feet and visibility of not less than 3 SM


The ceiling at CYHC on the 20th at 0200 local time

TAF CYVR 200240Z 2003/2106 VRB03KT P6SM FEW012 SCT040 SCT200
FM200500 VRB03KT P6SM FEW010 BKN040
BECMG 2008/2010 30012KT
FM201100 30015KT P6SM SCT015 BKN040
TEMPO 2011/2016 BKN015 OVC040
FM201600 32012KT P6SM SCT020 OVC030
TEMPO 2016/2022 P6SM -SHRA BKN020 OVC030
BECMG 2018/2020 26008KT
FM202200 26008KT P6SM BKN025
TEMPO 2022/2103 SCT025
FM210300 VRB03KT P6SM SCT020 RMK NXT FCST BY 200600Z

What is BKN040


When do you operate RGLs?

When aircraft or vehicle is on the maneouvring area

During the day when visibility is 3 miles or less, unless a higher minimum is specified by the airport operator.

At night in all vis conditions


When to operate approach lighting

At least 5 minutes before the ETA of an aircraft

Until the aircraft has landed


What are the meteorological conditions required for manual control transfer?

Official weather sequence is less than 2500 feet, or the visibility is less than 5 SM, or Tower observation indicates that the visibility is less than 5 SM.


Control transfer status and meteorological conditions at CYMR given the METAR below.

If manual, can you request control of an IFR aircraft?

METAR CYMR 200200Z 22007KT 5SM FEW020 BKN025 16/11 A2995 RMK SC1AC2CI3 SC TR SLP145

What is auto-overs and VMC?

No need to request control... you already have it!


When do you operate Taxiway Lighting?

At night

During the day when vis is 3 miles or less


When to operate Runway Identification Lighting?

At night

During the day when either of the following applies:

 - Vis is 5 miles or less

 - Ceiling is 1000 ft or less

At least 5 minutes prior to the ETA of an aircraft

Until the aircraft had landed


What is the minimum for visual IFR approaches?

Reported ceiling is 500' or more above minimum IFR altitude.

The ground visibility is 3SM or more


Control transfer status and meteorological conditions at CYMR given the METAR below.

If manual, can you request control of an IFR aircraft?

METAR CYMR 200300Z 21008KT 5SM BKN010 OVC120 09/07 A2981 RMK SLP114

What is manual-overs and VMC?

Yes, you can request control of an IFR aircraft.


When to operate airport beacon?

At night during the unit's hours of operation

At other times specified by the unit manager


When to operate VASIS or PAPI lights?

Unless otherwise specified in a unit procedure, operate the VASIS or PAPI:

 - If the runway it serves is in use

 - At least 5 minutes before the ETA of an aircraft
 - Until the aircraft has landed


Can you approve a simulated approach given the METAR below?

METAR CYMR 210300Z 14004KT 2SM FEW010 BKN015 15/11 A2995 RMK SC1SC3AC1CI1 SC TR AC TR CI TR SLP145

No, simulated approach requires VMC. The METAR provided does not fulfill that requirement.


What requires an ATIS revision?

A new METAR or SPECI is received.

A new LAWO observation is conducted.

An applicable SIGMET, AIRMET, or PIREP is received, updated, or cancelled.

An applicable NOTAM is received, updated, or cancelled.

The altimeter setting changes by ± 0.04 inches or more since the last recorded altimeter data.

The type of IFR approach is changed.

A runway is changed.

A change in runway conditions is reported.


When to operate Obstruction Lights?

Continuously at night

During the day when vis is 3 miles or less


When to turn off VASIS or PAPI lighting?

Unless requested by a pilot, if the VASIS or PAPI angle is not harmonized with the glide path angle of the instrument approach procedure, turn off the system when weather conditions are less than any of the following:

 - Ceiling: 500 feet
 - Visibility: 1 mile