Forces and Motion
Potential and Kinetic Energy

What is a definition for acid?

 A substance that produces hydrogen ion (H=) as he only positive ion when mixed with water. A chemical substance that may dissolve some metals, turns litmus red, and is typically a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid.


What are the four basic forces?

gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak forces.


Energy stored in an object due to its position is what kind of energy?

Potential energy.


What are the four parts of a wave?

Wavelength, Crest, Trough, Amplitude


What is a definition for a base?

A base is a substance that produces hydroxyl ion as the only negative ion when mixed with water. They taste bitter and has a pH higher than 7.


Jumping, running, chasing, throwing, and sliding are all examples of what?

Force and motion.


Energy that a moving object has due to its motion is what kind of energy?

Kinetic energy.


How can you describe wavelength?

Wavelength is the distance between identical points (crests) in the cycles of a waveform signal propagated in space or along a wire. 


In the universal indicator, yellow and red color indicates basic solutions. 

False. It indicates acidic solutions. 


What is gravity?

Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. An invisible force that pulls objects toward each other.


State 3 examples of potential energy.

Possible answers:

Car parked on top of a hill.

A child at the top of a slide.

A ball in someone's hand before it is thrown.

A book on a table before it falls. 


The shorter the wavelength, the _______ the frequency. The longer the wavelength, the ________ the frequency.

higher, lower.


Base don't react with metals. True or false?



Give an example of friction.

Possible answers:

Rubbing both hands together to create heat.

A sled sliding across snow or ice.

A person sliding down a slide.

A iron being pushed across material.

A credit card being swiped in the card reader machine. 


State 3 examples of kinetic energy.

Possible answers:

Running on the track.

Riding a bicycle.

A ball rolling down a hill.

Riding a skateboard down a ramp.


There is lower energy when the frequency is high. true or false.

False, there is higher energy when the frequency is high. 


_________ dissolve fats and oils. 

_________ conduct electricity in a solution.

1. Bases

2. Acids


What is the relationship between force and gravity?

A force is a push or pull. One of the only forces that acts as a "pull" is gravity. Gravity exerts a force of attraction between any two objects. The more mass (matter) an object has, the more gravity it has. Weight is the measure of gravitational force acting on an object. 


What is the relationship between potential and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is position relative and kinetic energy is motion relative. The primary relationship between the two is their ability to transform into each other. In other words, potential energy transforms into kinetic energy, and kinetic energy converts into potential energy, and then back again. It is a never-ending cycle. 


The highest part of a wave is the _______ and the lowest part of a wave is the ________.

crest, trough.