Measuring Matter
Properties of Matter
Physical & Chemical Properties
Physical & Chemical Changes
States of Matter
You use a triple beam balance to measure mass in this unit
What is grams?
A rubber ducky has this property of matter because it is able to float.
What is buoyancy?
This property can be observed without changing the identity of a substance.
What are physical properties?
Whenever you rip a paper in half you are creating this type of change
What is a physical change?
In this state of matter particles slide past one another?
What is liquids?
Kelly placed a rock in a graduated cylinder to measure volume using this method
What is water displacement
A metal coin has certain properties that can be measured. Which property of a coin is different on Mars than it is on Earth?
What is weight?
Nancy likes collecting metal jewelery, especially the ones that are have this property of matter
What is luster?
When your body digest your food you will experience the following change
What is a chemical change?
This describes the state of matter in which the particles are in motion
What are solids, liquids, and gases? Acceptable: What are all states of matter?
Weight, the amount of gravitational force on an object, is measured using this tool
What is spring scale? Acceptable: What is a Newton scale
Everything that is made up of atoms is matter however, there are somethings that are not matter.
What is energy? Acceptable: what is light and/or sound?
Randy does not like to ride bike so his bike remained outside for an extended amount of time. He noticed his bike started to rust.
What is reactivity?
Marilyn is able to tell a chemical change has happened because one or more of the following signs will be present (must list all)
What is production of a gas, production of an odor, formation of a precipitate, change in color, and change in energy?
This is the phase change that was observed when dry ice came in contact with warm water
What is sublimation?
The property that describes how tightly packed atoms are in a specific amount of space uses these units
What is grams/mL or grams/cm3?
In a science lab, Paula used a ruler to measure the block. The block has the following measurements: 6 cm, 10 cm, 5cm. She also measured the mass of the block as 400 grams. Using these properties Paula calculated the density.
What is 1.33 g/cm3?
Pyromaniacs enjoy setting objects on fire, meaning they are constantly testing if matter has this property
What is flammability?
Michael went camping last week. He bought 10 grams of fire wood. After making some smores he realized he only had 3 grams of wood. He knew this was not possible according to the Law of Conservation of Mass. This is what happened to the other 7 grams
What is transforming to smoke?
Liquids and solids are similar in that they share this property
What is a definite volume?
You know the volume and density of an object, this is how you can determine its mass
What is density x volume?
Alex had two metal cubes of identical sizes. He placed cube A on one side of a triple beam balance and cube B on the other side of the balance. The pan that held cube B was now lower than the pan that held cube A. Alex made a conclusion about the two cubes
What is the cube has different densities?
Gary made two piles: metals and plastics. Gary decided he would separate his objects based on this property
What is electrical conductivity?
Gallium is a metal. If you hold a solid piece of pure gallium in your hand, your body warmth will melt the gallium. This an example of
What is a physical change?
Ben wants to model how the motion of particles changes with temperature. He considers water in an iron pot. Ben draws a model to show how the water particles and iron particles move at room temperature. Then, he draws a second model to show how the water particles and iron particles move as the pot of water is heated. This is how should Ben’s second model differ from the first
What is the water particles slide past each other faster, and the iron particles vibrate faster?