Everything that has mass and takes up space
What is Matter
Definition: properties of matter that can be observed or measured
Physical Properties
What are the 3 states of matter
What is solid, liquid, and gas
Ice cubes changing into water is caused by what?
What is Heating
A combination of 2 or more substances that can easily be separated is a?
What is Mixture
The amount of matter in something
What is Mass
You can tell the difference between a rock and a pumice stone by testing what physical property?
What is sink or float.
Pancake syrup is in what state?
Adding heat to a pot of water will change the liquid into what state?
What is gas
How would you separate a bowl of Chex mix
What is picking out certain pieces
Definite shape and size
What is Solid
You can sort out sand and iron fillings by testing what physical property?
An ice cube is in what state of matter?
The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called?
What is condensation
True or false a bowl of different fruit is considered a mixture?
What is True
Takes the shape of the container it is in
What is Liquid
What tool can you use to separate rocks and sand?
What is a Sifter
Steam is in what state?
What is a gas
The process of changing from a liquid to a gas is called?
Can you separate oil and soap?
What is yes
Takes the shape and volume of the container it is in.
What is Gas
You observe Physical Properties with what five senses?
Sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste
Think of a glass of soda the bubbles are an example of what state of matter?
What is a gas
Water can turn into a solid by what process?
What is Freezing
What should you use to separate small iron fillings from a pile of sand?
What is A magnet for attracting the iron filings and leaving the sand behind. Magnetic attraction