States of Matter
Physical Property
Test Questions
Apply your knowledge!
What state of matter is water in?
What are some physical properties that are easily observed?
What the matter looks like, what it feels like, what it tastes like, what it smells like, what it sounds like.
If you could not see a chocolate chip muffin and broccoli on the plate in front of you, what physical properties could you use to tell these two pieces of matter apart?
Touch, taste, and smell
What is matter?
Anything that takes up space!
If an object sinks in water, what does that tell you about that object's density? What does it tell you about the molecules inside the object?
It tells you that the object is more dense than water, and that the molecules are probably packed together very tightly and compactly.
What state of matter is a soft blanket in?
Explain the two ways to find an object's volume.
Regular object = ruler, length x width x height Irregular object = graduated cylinder, water displacement
An object that is lustrous, very hard, very strong, no flexibility, large mass, and able to conduct heat is what type of object?
A metal
What is mass? What is volume?
Mass is how much "stuff" is in an object, how heavy/light an object it. Volume is how much space an object takes up.
A piece of iron has what physical properties of matter? Explain how you know this.
Good conductor of heat, good conductor of electricity, magnetic, very strong.
Name three objects of matter in the gaseous state.
Helium, water vapor, smoke, steam, oxygen, carbon dioxide
How can you test an object's strength?
Determine how much force can be applied to the object before the object breaks (answers will vary).
Ms. Finch has the following items in her car: a screw, a hair brush, a bottle of water, a soda can, four pennies, and a sweatshirt. How could you sort these objects into two groups.
Metal objects vs. plastic objects screw, soda can, four pennies vs. bottle of water, hair brush, sweatshirt
What does it mean if an object is a good conductor of heat?
It allows heat to pass through it very easily
I plugged in my curling iron this morning so it could heat up and curl my hair. Just from this sentence, I can already tell that my curling iron contains what two physical properties of matter?
Good conductor of electricity, good conductor of heat
What state of matter is ice in?
What physical property does my whiteboard, your desks, my refrigerator, a paper clip, and a tin can have in common?
Magnetism - all of these objects are magnetic
Which of the following objects has the greatest mass? A. soccer ball B. can of coke C. battery D. brick
D. brick
What does flexibility mean as it relates to matter?
An object's ability to be bent without breaking and it's ability to return to its original shape after being bent.
I took my plastic straw out of my iced tea and bent it in half, but then I could not get it to return back to its vertical shape. Based on these facts, I can tell that my straw does NOT contain what physical properties?
Flexibility, conductor of heat, conductor of electricity, magnetism
A cup of coffee was left in a car overnight in freezing weather. The coffee froze in the middle of the night. The next day, someone put the frozen coffee back in the microwave. Name the three phases the coffee went through.
Liquid to a solid to a liquid
Describe the motion of molecules in each state of matter. Give an example of a piece of matter in each state.
Solid - molecules are packed close together and arranged in a pattern Liquid - molecules flow past each other easily Gas - molecules stay away from each other
Which object would have a higher melting point? A. water B. iron nail C. sugar and sodium D. pen
B. iron nail
Define solubility. Name three pieces of matter that are soluble.
Solubility is an object's ability to be dissolved in water. Ex. sugar, salt, smarties, cookies, powder, etc.
Describe the difference between an object's strength and an object's hardness. Name a piece of matter that is very strong and very hard. Name a piece of matter that is not strong and not hard.
An object's strength tells us how much force can be applied to the object before it breaks, and an object's hardness tells us whether or not the object can be scratched or not.