Properties of Matter
Measurement Tools
States of Matter
Mixtures & Solutions
The characteristics of an object are known as____.
Properties of matter
What tools could you use to measure volume?
A ruler and/or graduated cylinder
How are the particles arranged and move in a solid?
They are tight together and vibrate off each other.
Explain the difference between a mixture and a solution.
A mixture keeps it physical properties and can be separated easily, and a solution dissolves and cannot be separated easily.
The melting point of water is ____, and the boiling point of water is _____.
0 degrees Celsius, 100 degrees Celsius
An object will sink or float based on its ______.
If you were trying to determine the weight of an object, what tool would you use?
Scale, spring scale
DAILY DOUBLE!!! The physical properties that describe a gas are _____.
A gas has no definite shape and no definite volume.
A mixture of sand and water could best be separated by what method: by hand, evaporation, filtration, strainer
You have 50mL of water in a graduated cylinder. After you place a marble in the cylinder, the water level rises to 78mL. What is the volume of the marble?
The volume of the marble is 28mL.
What physical properties of an object can you identify using your 5 senses for observation? List at least 3.
Color, taste, texture, shape, size, smell
Martha was bathing her dog, Skip, in a large tub. When she put the dog in, water was displaced over the edge of the tub. What property was measured?
The volume of the dog.
You put an icy glass of water outside on a hot day. Liquid beads show up on the outside of the glass. This is called ___.
You add a tablespoon of salt crystals to water. After stirring, what happens to the salt crystals?
The salt crystals dissolve into a solution.
You measure a shoebox that is 5cm long, 7cm wide, and 9cm high. What is the volume?
315 cm3
DAILY DOUBLE!!! If you placed a coin in a cup of water and it sank, what physical property of the coin could you observe?
The density of the coin is greater than the density of the water.
You could use measurement tools such as ____ to compare/contrast two objects.
Balance, beaker, graduated cylinder, ruler, spring scale
When warm water is cooled, the tiny particles in the liquid slow down. Why does this happen?
The heat energy is taken away and the liquid particles become solid particles.
If you were given a large box of 1,000 plastic and metal paper clips what would be the fastest method to separate them?
Use a magnet to pull out the metal paperclips.
When measuring liquids in science what metric units of measurement would you use?
Liters, mL
What property of iron fillings would help you separate it from a mixture of water, sand, and iron?
The property of magnetism
A 12gm piece of clay was cut into several smaller pieces. He then placed all the pieces on a pan balance. What property is he measuring, and what is the measurement?
He is measuring mass, and the mass is 12gm.
What happens when the temperature of water changes from 5 degrees Celsius to -4 degrees (4 degrees below 0) Celsius?
The water will change from a liquid to a solid.
DAILY DOUBLE!! You have a mixture of rocks, sand, water, and salt. What physical property of the water would help you separate it from the mixture?
The physical property of it's state of matter (liquid) would allow us to strain the mixture to separate it.
Which of these is NOT part of the Scientific Method? a. writing a hypothesis b. recording data c. calculating time d. conducting research
Calculating time