Steve Harris
Ed Semrad
Martin Alessi
How Many Megs?

While I enjoyed the detail in this game, the play mechanics and lack of a diversified technique to learn and master brought this cart down a couple of points. All of the elements are here, but a lot of the finesse that similar games demand just isn't found here. The levels are long, however, and the game does have its moments. (SNES, Accolade, Issue 46)

What is Bubsy?


The arcade game was a blast. Once in a while I like no-brainer games and this is one which I can sit down and play through dozens of levels just to relax. Not a lot of concentration needed. The execution of the game is very good and is a blast to play. Great bosses! (NES, Capcom, Issue 27)

What is Snow Brothers?


This cart seemed like a kiddie cart at first, but it proves itself to be a great playing game in spite of it. There are a variety of different vehicles you can drive and the tracks are really cool. The game offers solid play with a unique theme and enough innovation to keep you interested. (NES, Camerica, Issue 27)

What is Micro Machines?


I am a devoted fan of this game and I was quite pleased to see this games make it to the Neo-Geo. It is not perfect by any means, but with so few of this type of game on the market to compare it to, it comes out on top. The graphics are well-drawn and the music is decent. If you are a hard-core Neo-Geo owner, you'll like it. (NeoGeo, SNK, Issue 46)

What is Super Side Kicks?


Martin Alessi gave Batman: Return of the Joker for the GameBoy a 7 in issue 34 noting that it has five levels over this many megabits?

What is 2?


This is a decent shooter with a really strange premise and background. Although you're operating without photons and shields, the quality and pace of the blaster action is up-to-par with the majority of titles on the market. It does doesn't break any new ground, but it does offer up a nice battle. (TurboDuo, Hudson/T.T.I., Issue 46)

What is Magical Chase?


Sure, this comic book series is still one of the most popular, but this game is not a fantastic effort. I wish there were more characters to choose from. The music and sounds are simply repeated noises from other Sega games. Yes, there is a lot of technique to the game, but that's the real strong point. (Genesis, Sega, Issue 46)

What is X-Men?


This is an exceptionally tough game in the arcade, this version is a bit toned down but still retains most of the aspects that made the coin-op a classic. Great game play that is filled with power-ups, tons of enemies to shoot at, and awesome explosions. (Genesis, Micronet, Issue 27)

What is Raiden Trad?


<Game Title>??? From the sound of the game title, it would appear that you're in for a boring game. Actually, this game is one of the best Super Nintendo Entertainment System puzzle/action games I've seen in a while. The music is awesome!!! The graphics and animation are excellent, and the challenge is right on target. Get this before it's gone! (SNES, Interplay, Issue 46)

What is The Lost Vikings?


I issue 34, Ed Semrad rated Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun a 7, noting that its 6 levels are contained on this many megabits? 

What is 8?


Capcom scores another hit with this game. Following up on other entries in this field, this game gives you control over the required character in another contest in a <blank>-styled universe. The action has a nice pace and the graphics are rendered well for an 8-Bitter. An all-around good time. (NES, Capcom, Issue 46)

What is Duck Tales 2?

(It plays like a Mega Man-styled universe.)


Portable puzzle games have really offered nothing new lately. Once you get used to the weird play, this game is an interesting idea that really keep you glued to it for hours. <Blank> was always a favorite but this character's game may be taking over. Linking up with another player is still the best. (GameBoy, Nintendo, Issue 46)

What is Yoshi's Cookie?


This game isn't bad, but it isn't a very intense or spectacular game either. The graphics and music are adequate, but the game plays way too slow for me. Controllis are awkward and power-ups lame. (Genesis, Sega, Issue 15)

What is E-Swat: City Under Siege?


<Game Title> on the Lynx isn't what I expected, but it's okay. I was looking forward to some cool scrolling and scaling, but none of it was present!!! The music is decent, but not spectacular. The Lynx is capable of so much more! I wish I'd see more games like <blank> or <blank> instead. (Lynx, Atari, Issue 21)

What is A.P.B.?

He wanted more games like Klax and Ninja Gaiden.


Flashback for the Genesis was the game of the month in issue 23, scoring 9's from Steve, Martin, and Sushi-X and an 8 from Ed. It has six levels, but how many megabits?

What is 12?


This game is a pretty cool adaptation of the movie on which this game is based. It combines basic RPG elements with a number of different play themes and static intermissions to move the story along. The set-up is painfully tedious at times when you have to repeat areas, but all-in-all it's a good effort. (NES, Lucasfilm, Issue 27)

What is Star Wars?


Fighting games are relatively new to the Game Gear and this is a pretty good addition. While there isn't much variety in the moves, there is still plenty of thugs to beat up. The 8-Bit tunes were actually catchy but the overall execution of the game could be better. Still, it's not a bad game for fighting on the go! (Game Gear, Virgin, Issue 46)

What is Double Dragon?


This is not your typical kung Fu game, it has more features and a bit of roleplaying to keep things interesting. You'll will find that it has a lot to offergood graphics items you must locate to pass certain areas, plenty                of. (NES, Culture Brain, Issue 15)

What is Flying Warriors?

(This review lacked proofreading.)


While the Super SNES seems like a system only adults and teenagers can enjoy, even children can find a kiddie fame to suit them nowadays. <Blank> is a family game that any kid (or bigger kid) can enjoy. It isn't mind-boggling in any respect, but just a good, solid game. The music could use a little variety, though. (SNES, Natsume, Issue 34)

What is Spanky's Quest?


Steve Harris gave Insector-X for the Genesis a 7 in issue 15. It has 5 levels, but how many megabits?

What is 4?


This original is a classic arcade game and the NES sequel is just as cool. The game play is great and there are a ton of good power-ups. Graphics are good, if a little bit washed out. Good solid action that would be even cooler with the possibilities offered on the Super NES (NES, Sunsoft, Issue 27)

What is Super Spy Hunter?


Cross a bunch of brainless mutants with the skills of <this sport's> players and what do you ger? A fun game with action like you've never seen before. Killer plays like murdering the officials and killing opponents are part of the fun! The plays are huge and contains some really unique ones. More fun with two players. (Genesis, EA, Issue 46)

What is Mutant League Football?


This is a very good ninja combat game. I love the ninja concept and the game play and the graphics are some of the best considering it uses only MMC1. It falls short as a two-player, however, with slow down and flicker. (NES, Natsume, Issue 15)

What is Shadow of the Ninja?


This game is the newest edition to the Lynx library and it shines brilliantly. The fast action scaling effects are marvelous on the Lynx screen, sometimes leaving you breathless! The color (as always) is vibrant and clean. Definitely another winner for Atari. Keep the great games coming! (Lynx, Atari, Issue 34)

What is Hydra?


Mega Man 3, got straight 9's and was game of the month in issue 15. Somehow it packed 21 levels over this many megabits?

What is 3?