Would He Rather
Birthday/Baptism Details
More random

Would Matthew rather own 

a) A Ford truck 

b) Convertible 

c) Tesla 

d) Limosine 

What is b, a convertible. 


What is Matthew's Shoe Size 

a) 3.5 

b) 3 

c) 4

d) 4.5

What is a), 3.5. 


Matthew was Baptized on what day 

a) October 30th, 2010

b) October 31st, 2010

c) October 28th, 2012

d) November 1st, 2010

What is a), October 30th. 


What is my favorite subjest in school, 

a) Reading 

b) Art 

c) P. E 

d) Spanish 

What  is P. E.


Does Matthew sleep with a top sheet? 



Would Matthew rather go for vacation to

a) Florida 

b) Hawaii 

c) California 

d) Wyoming 

What is a, Florida. 


When matthew goes out to a restaurant he typically orders... 

a) Pizza

b) Chicken Nuggets

c) Fish 

d) Burger

What is d, Burger. 


Matthew was baptized by 

a) Father Paul (From Holy Family in Toronto)

b) Father Redek 

c) Father Carr 

d) Father Deprey

What is b), Father Redek. 


What is Matthews favorite thing to cook/bake? 

a) Chocolate chip Cookies 

b) Mealie Meal bread

c) Brownies 

d) Hamburgers

What is c), Brownies. 


What is Matthew's favorite season?

What is Summer


Would I rather for breakfast eat 

a) Minnie Weats 

b) Frosted Flakes 

c) Honey Bunched of Oats 

d) Honey Combs 

e) Caption Crunch 

f) Honey O's

What is C, Honey bunches of oats. 


Would Matthew rather 

a) Do the hard floor

b) laundrey 

c) bathroom 

What is B), laundrey. 


Matthew weighed.... when he was born.

a) 7 oz 11lbs 

b) 7 oz  12lbs 

c) 7 lbs 12 oz

d) 7lbs 11oz

What is d, 7lbs 11oz. 


What is Matthew's favorite board game? 

a) Ticket to ride

b) Quix 

c) Yahtzee 

d) Pandemic 

What is c, Yahtzee. 


Matthews wants to be when he is older 

a) Scientist 

b) Figure skater 

c) Engineer 

d) Fireman 

e) Police dad 

f) Army 

g) Artist 

h) Professional Eater

i) Ice cream taster

What is c), an enginneer. 


Would Matthew rather travel by: 

a) Boat 

b) Train 

c) Trolley 

d) Plane

e) Helicopter

What is d, a plane. 😮


Which one does Matthew like better 


b) camping 

c) Hunting

d) drawing 

What id 

What is B, Camping. 


The name Matthew comes from 

a) Spanish and Mexican 

b) Scottish and Canadian 

c) Irish and English 

d) Canadian and English 

e) Scottish and English 

What is E, English and Scottish. 


What is Matthew's favorite age? 

a) 11 

b) 9

c) 7 

d) 10 

What is d, 10. 


Matthew's favorite girl name is 

a) Charlotte b) Belle c) Katie d) Matilda d)Ella e) Mary

What is e, Mary


Would Matthew rather go on a...

 a) roller coaster 

b) water park 

c) wedding family runion 

d) blue green

What is a), a roller coaster ride.  


What is Matthew's Pet peeve. 

a) People tapping on table 

b) Talking loudly 

c) Making sound effects 

d) People cracking fingers 

e) People whispering into ears 

f) People not able to hear what your saying even though their 1 foot away

g) Poeple clearing their throat for no reason

What is d, People cracking their fingers. 


What does the Name Matthew mean? 

a) Pure 

b) Fame 

c) One who is bright 

d) Gift of God 

e) supplanter  

f) Spirit 

g) Heart 

What is d), Gift of God. 


What is Matthew's Favorite sleeping position

a) On Back 

b) Face in pillow 

c) On side 

d) On his head 

What is c, on his side. 


What is Matthew's Favorite baby boy name? 

a) Matthew b) John c) Sean d)Luke e) David f) Phillip 

What is Matthew.