Body Parts
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Jesus said that if this body part causes you to sin, you should cut it off and throw it away..
What is your right eye? 5:38
John wore garments of __________________
What is camels hair?
3 Sparrows are worth a ....
What is Penny. 10:29
Jesus told the crowd gathered at the Mount, do not be anxious about life, for "Is not life more than ______"
What is Food 6:25
When Peter saw this, he became afraid.
What is the wind 14:30
If anyone slaps this, you should also turn to him and offer the other also.
What is your right cheek? 5:39
A women needed to only touch this for healing.
What is the fringe of Jesus garment? 14:36
When preparing the disciples to go out, Jesus said they should not take any of this for their belt...
What is No Gold, Silver or Copper. 10:8
When speaking of rewards, Jesus said "whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup ________ because he is a disciple...he will by no means lose his reward"
What is a cup of cold water? 10:42
What kind of day will it be if the morning sky is red?
What is stormy? 16:3
Jesus said if this body part causes you to sin you should tear it out and throw it away....
What is your right eye? 5:29
At the transfiguration, Jesus clothes became _______________________.
What is white as light. 17:2
In the parable of the Master hiring Laborers for his vineyard, this is how much he agreed to pay them for a days work.
What is a Denarius? 20:2
The devil said to Jesus, If you are the Son of Man, command theses stones to become this.
What is Loaves of bread? 4:3
When Jesus is speaking of the Tribulation, he says we should pray it is not during this season.
What is winter. 24:20
Jesus said that what comes out of this defiles a person...
What is your mouth. 15:11
John said he was unworthy to carry these.
What is Jesus sandals? 3:11
To pay this tax, Jesus told his disciples to "go Fish"
What is the 2-Drachma Tax 17:24
John the Baptist ate this.
What is locusts and wild honey? 3:4
The disciple said "Save Us Lord; we are perishing" so Jesus rebuked this.
What is the wind and the seas? 8:26
Jesus said, "because of your ________________________, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives"
What is hardness of heart? 19:8
DOUBLE JEOPARDY>>> GET THIS CORRECT FOR DOUBLE POINTS!!!! What do the Pharisees make broad so as to be seen by men?
What is their phylacteries? 23:5
Peter is told to go cast a hook, and he would find this in the 1st fish's mouth.
What is a shekel. 17:27
During his 'Ask and it will be given' talk, Jesus asked, "which one of you, if hi son asked for a ________, will give him a serpent?"
What is a fish? 7:10
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!! GET ALL 3 Parts Of The Answer and GET DOUBLE POINTS!! A man who builds his house on a rock, is safe from what 3 perils of nature?
What is rain, floods and wind? 7:25