What is 26/3
What is 8.66666666666666666666
Who was the 6th President?
Who is John Quincy Adams?
To leave out or exclude
What is omit?
The state of being extremely poor
What is poverty?
What will Siri say if you ask her if she is single?
What is I'm married to my work?
Emily had 3.459 inches of rope. She had to throw away 2.114 inches of it. How much does she have now?
What is 1.345 inches of rope?
What president got stuck in the bathtub?
Who is William Howard Taft
The fifteenth letter of the greek alphabet
What is omicron?
A space distance equal to 3.25 light years
What is a parsec?
What does Siri say for beatboxing?
What is boots and cats?
What is 66% of 880?
What is 580.8
Who was the first lady to Warren Harding?
Who is Florence?
The eating of raw food especially raw meat
What is omophagy?
A large dark green chili pepper of a mild-flavored variety.
What is a poblano?
Does Amazon Alexa sing songs?
What is yes?
What is 4x4x4x4x4?
What is 1024?
Who was president from 1933-1945
Who is Franklin Roosevelt?
Yes in french
What is oui?
What is a piccalilli?
Who invented Siri?
What is SRI International?
What is the formula for the area of a circle?
What is pi x radius x radius
What religious affiliation did George Washington have?
What is episcopalian?
A board with letters, numbers, and other signs around its edge to which a planchette or other pointer moves, supposedly in answer to questions from people at a seance
What is a ouija board?
An arched structure forming a framework for climbing or trailing plants
What is a pergola?
Does Siri tell Dad Jokes?
What is yes?