What's the user name for Cpos Desktop and Sign-In?
Store is having an issue. Sa calls in, who is the requestor?
You will have to press this option, in order to view the purchases processed in store.
The Button that displays the balance remaining and paid on a sales order.
What is prepayment!
Which application would you use to shadow into someone's terminal?
Can an L2 edit a rerouted line in D365?
Yes, rerouted and open will allow us to update information.
Section where you would add description of call to.
Journal Notes
T/F We can void payments from previous dates.
False: Same day only
Merchandise that is sent from the store directly to the guest house?
Deliver from store
If this application is showing the person is on Leave of absence, the person would need HR to update it.
Previous order is not in CPOS for exchange. Sa would need to do...
Non link exchange
Tickets would be assigned to this team, when moved up.
Service desk level 2
T/F You can view check payments in usaepay?
False: Only CC payments
I would go to released products to search for this..
Which Application, would the SA find compensation tracker?
California uses this option for checkout.
Carry Out
Which template would be needed for the internet being down in the store?
Internet Outage Template
T/F Can an SA release funds from a previous date?
Order is showing to be routed, but doesn't have a route. What type of route would this be?
Ghost Route
What application will bring you to courses throughout the company?
Virtal Campus
Direct Delivery item shows as red carpet delivery only.
Indicates out of stock or back ordered.
Where would you find unlabeled tickets?
Under Reports
Which Cash Drawer is for WMAP?
Ticket is showing locked in CPOS and shows on route. Where would you look to see the route information?
What is Delivery schedule history.
Which document shows updated errors for CPOS?
CPOS pending Enhancement List