Name one of Metallica's top 5 most streamed songs on Spotify.
What is Nothing Else Matters, Enter Sandman, Master of Puppets, One, or The Unforgiven?
Zoey's all time favorite game.
What is Fortnite?
Matt's favorite food.
What is mac n cheese?
Livi’s ALL TIME favorite food.
What is spaghetti?
Name at least one or more of Nick's online usernames/gamertags he has used".
(matt knows the answers)
(Presented by: guess who)
Black Clover's manga is still ongoing, true or false?
What is true?
Zoey's favorite food, BE SPECIFIC. (What place?)
What is Cane's Chicken Fingers?
What is the Wii
What extracurricular activity does Livi do?
What is Krav Maga?
The best-selling Guitar Hero game to this day.
What is Guitar Hero III?
(Presented by: Partyboi)
How old the Splatoon series will be turning this year.
What is 10 years old?
Zoey's favorite Roblox game.
What is Dress to Impress?
The name of Matt's series of Minecraft worlds/servers.
What is the Waluigi Town series?
Livi’s favorite school subject.
What is History/Geography?
The side that a coin will land on if it flips in the air 1,227,554,297 times.
What is tails?
(Presented by: Chapman)
The Rock Band game that introduced Keys as a playable instrument.
What is Rock Band 3?
The season Zoey started playing Fortnite.
What is Chapter 4, Season 2?
Matt's favorite anime character. (NOT IN A SIMP WAY)
(Hint: it's not who you think)
Who is Kaguya Shinomiya?
Name one of Livi’s top two ALL TIME favorite games.
What is Roblox or Splatoon?
The number of times Alex has almost drowned.
What is 4 times?
(Presented by: Trippw07)
Zoey's favorite person here. (not including family)
Who is Jamison?
The number of guitar controllers Matt currently owns.
What is 8 guitars?
What year did Livi start playing Cookie Run? (bonus points for month)
When is October 2021?
Nick’s favorite Pokemon.
What is a Raichu?
(Presented by: Nick)