British Literature
American Literature
Mass media
Holidays and festivals

What was Old English Literature influenced by?

pagan traditions, magic, problems of life at the time, Christian ideas and moral values


Who's the main author of the Declaration of Independence (4th July 1776)?

Thomas Jefferson


What does Mass Media mean?

It refers to the ways information is communicated to people.


What are the best know religious holidays?

Easter, Christmas


What institutions is the pre-school education provided by?

 Nurseries, KindergarTens


What "started" the Middle English Literature? And how did it influence the language?

1066 William the Conqueror's victory in the Battle of Hastings.
The English language was transformed and it was influenced by French.


Who is the father of Romanticism in American literature? Hint (it's not E. A. Poe)

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Name some types of mass media you know.

... :)


What do (mainly Irish people) celebrate on 17th March?

St. Patrick's day


What is an apprenticeship and how old are the kids getting it in the UK?

= a period of time working as an apprentice; apprentices learn (develop their skills in a certain field) and get paid at the same time. People in the UK get it at the age of 16.


What were the two major factors influencing the language and helping to separate the Modern English from the Middle one? (Say at least one of them)

The great vowel shift and the printing press (William Caxton brought it to the UK in 1476)


Where did Edgar Allan Poe get his middle name?

It was the name of the family who adopted him from orphanage, where he had got at the age of 3.


What is the difference between tabloid and broadsheet?

Compared to tabloids, broadsheet newspapers are typically longer in length and bigger in size, with considerably fewer pictures. They also take a more traditional approach to journalism, with a focus on more serious news stories — criminal cases, political coverage, and financial reports


The Independence Day celebrates the birth of the USA. Do you know when?

4th July


For how old children is the school attendance compulsory? In CZ / UK / USA

CZ 6-15   UK 5-16    USA 6-16


Which genre development was the period of Renaissance (1485-1603) linked with? And who was the most significant writer?

English drama, William Shakespeare (37 plays)


Allan Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac were representatives of which literary subculture movement?

Beat generation


Put the names of the famous broadsheets together the way they are and say if they are British or American:

The New York Guardian, The Daily Journal, The Wall Street Times, The Telegraph

The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph


On 4th Monday in May people in the USA commemorate and honour all who have died in war. How do you call the day?

Memorial Day


Which of these is the oldest university in the world?
Bologna, Oxford, Salamanca, Paris, Cambridge

Bologna (1088)


The Victorian period (1837-1901) was great for both poetry (represented by Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, Alfred Lord Tennyson...) and prose (Charles Dickens, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Thomas Hardy out of many). But which famous pen name did the very well-known novelist and journalist Mary Ann Evans adopt for herself? Hint: Silas Marner, Middlemarch

George Eliot


Theodor Dreiser is the main representative of the naturalistic school in America. All his works are biographical, reflecting his life, the conflicts between his parents, sisters and brothers. What is the name of his masterpiece novel?

The American Tragedy


How do we divide newspapers by scope?

regional x national 


What and when is celebrated so called Guy Fawkes Night?

5th November - commemorates the unsuccessful plot to blow the Houses of Parliament (in 1605).


What is GCSE? And how old are the kids in the UK taking it?

General certificate in secondary education