From what Celtic festival does Halloween originate
From what Christian Holy Day does Halloween derive?
All Saints Day, November 1st
All Soul's Day, November 2nd
Why are the scary elevators in St. Joseph's Hall so wide?
They were originally made to fit coffins.
This story was originally a French book that was adapted into a scary silent movie, and later a successful Broadway musical.
Phantom of the Opera
Who wrote "The Raven" and "The Telltale Heart?"
Edgar Allan Poe
When, where, and by whom did Halloween celebrations become limited in the Western world?
Colonial era, New England, Protestants
What are the spiritual origins of trick or treating?
Witches traditionally set out offerings for spirits on Samhain
What is the most notable entity on Maura 5th?
Sister Emma, an Angel (RA) under thirty who is still taking care of her girls.
Which Tim Burton project was originally a short film, and later remade as a full-length movie?
When was Spirit Halloween founded?
When did trick or treating begin?
The 1920s, approximately
What is witchcraft? Is it synonymous with Wicca?
Name an entity who has been seen in the Chapel.
The priest who walks from the choir loft to the side door
The priest who is always saying Mass out of guilt and regret
The faceless woman praying in the second pew to the right
True or False: Stephen King hates Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of King's book "The Shining"
True. Kubrick's film adaptation was very different from King's book, and King felt that the movie lacked the heart his book possessed.
What is the scariest musical instrument, most commonly associated with Halloween?
The Organ!
What is Feralia, and who is Pomona?
Feralia: An Ancient Roman festival honoring the dead
Pomona: The Roman goddess of harvest
Is Samhain still celebrated today?
Yes, it is traditionally celebrated by Wiccans and witches of various faiths to connect with the spirit world.
Which classroom is notable for malfunctioning technology?
Admin 405
Which film franchise began first: Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th?
Friday the 13th: 1980
Nightmare on Elm Street: 1984
What popular cartoon has a longstanding tradition of releasing a new Halloween episode every year?
The Simpsons
How did Halloween become "Americanized?"
Irish and Scottish immigrants in the 19th century popularized national Halloween celebration to the heavily Protestant United States. Our culture turned it into a holiday about community and autumn weather rather than the supernatural.
What is the true "Spooky Month?"
How do most of the Sisters respond to these paranormal experiences?
If you see an entity, they want you to pray for them
Or, there is something that needs to change
This movie's soundtrack was composed by Danny Elfman, who uses the Phrygian mode throughout and ends the final number on a Piccardy Third.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Which piece by Johann Sebastian Bach is commonly associated with Halloween?
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor