The key to time management is building a ____ ?
Study Routine
What are the four R's?
Recycle, Reuse, Renew, and Rot
Which is more affordable: Community College or a Private University?
Community college ($6000 vs university= $18,000+)
What does MAWA stand for?
Minnesota African Womens Association
Name one of the three rules of time management.
Write it all down, Work hard play hard, Do as much as you can before the weekend.
Name two renewable sources
Wood, water, etc.
Name three ways to get your tuition payed?
Loans, Out of Pocket, Scholarship, Grants, Work-Study
What was the name of the library we were in last Wednesday?
Health and Sciences Library
The key to balance school and social life?
Learning how to say "No"
What does "biodegradable" mean?
Name one of the parts of the college admission proccess.
Application, Essay, Letter of Reccomendation, Financial Aid, Acceptance, etc.
What college did Dr. Sandra Graduate from?
St. Cloud University
Name a test preparation tactic
Flashcards, quizlet, study group, mind map
What is greenwashing?
When companies who contribute to harming the earth falsely advertise that they're environmentally friendly.
Which is more expensive: in state tuition or out of state?
How many boxes did we pack at feed my starving children?
What was one of the two apps mentioned to help create a study schedule?
TimeTree, Agenda
How much E-waste is generated per year?
50 Million Tons
Name two of the classes that will get you college credit
AP, IB, Honors, College Now, etc.
What day did camp start?
June 10th