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  1. Please state your name and age for the court.

  1. My name is Max Mayfield and I am a dazzling 36 years old!

  1. I want to talk with you more about the death of Will Byers. First, did you have any direct involvement with the House of Horrors that you just mentioned?

  1. *sigh* Well, the death of Will Byers is quite a heavy topic of conversation, but I know it is the purpose of today’s gathering. I was working at the Hawkins Herald during the first year of the Hawkins House of Horrors, known in shorthand as H3. I reported the story of the haunted house event from conception to execution, as well as the tragedy of Will Byers death after attending it.


Where was H3 taking place at?

  1. In a storage shed located alongside Highway 41. 

  1. Based on your observations, what was the tone of these safety meetings you attended?

  1. They covered the basics and ran through a list of instructions. But from my observations, not everyone was fully engaged in what was happening. 


Max, what about warning signs – did you see any of those in place to keep people from running into the highway?

  1. No, I didn’t see anything of that sort during my time there.


  1. What do you do for a living?

  1. Well, for 8 cycles around the sun, I worked for the Hawkins Herald newspaper in Hawkins, Iowa. I loved my time there, but it was time for a new chapter in my life, and I am now currently working at the Des Moines Tribune newspaper.

  1. Max, I want to talk in detail with you about the haunted house and what events transpired that led to the death of Will Byers. Let’s start from the beginning - when were you first made aware of H3?

    1. I was first notified about H3 in early 2023. I had been alerted by the Powhatan (pow-a-tin) County Foundation Board of Directors that they had plans to create a haunted house entity as a means to generate charitable funds to be dispersed throughout the county for community projects. Their plan was to be open for business during the last two weekends of October.

  1. Is that a busy road?

  1. Absolutely it is! Highway 41 is the main highway that passes through Hawkins and sees TONS of travelers every day.

  1. Do you recall any discussions being had about the traffic on Highway 41 at these meetings?

No I dont

  1. Do you know if the layout or location changed for the 2024 version of H3?

  1. The location of H3 was still the same… but, oddly enough, they did change the layout. The flow of traffic was reversed so that the door that used to exit out to Highway 41 has now become the entrance. 

  1. What education do you have that supports your career?

  1. Oh darling, it has been so long since someone asked me about my college years! I actually earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and a minor in Journalism from Meade College. Those were the DAYS! But… I digress….

  1. When did you first officially begin covering the haunted house in the Hawkins Herald newspaper?

  1. March 2023 is when we ran our first story on the event, but it was just a simple little write up to spark some curiosity. July 2023 is when the first “big” story hit and more stories followed.


When you say the shed is located alongside the highway, how far off from the highway is it actually located?

  1. The building is exactly 40 feet away from Highway 41.

  1. Do you recall any instructions being given about ensuring attendees aren’t running into the highway at these safety meetings?

no I dont




  1. Ms. Mayfield, you mentioned Hawkins, Iowa. Where is that?

  1. Oh please dear, just call me Max! And I don’t blame you for not knowing where Hawkins is. It is a small town of only 2,000 people in rural northwest Iowa. It hasn't been known for much before… that is until the Hawkins House of Horrors death story came along and now, suddenly, everyone has heard of Hawkins...just not in a good way.. 

  1. How did you stay informed of the haunted house to present accurate coverage in the newspaper?

  1. *put hand on chest and smile at the judges* Aww, well you see, Finn Wolfhard!! *grand gesture to Finn* Finn is the Head Coordinator for the House of Horrors, the one who oversees it all from start to finish. Finn and I spent a ton of time together! We knew H3 had the potential to put Hawkins on the map, and so we would spend ample time together to make sure we were portraying clear and concise messaging about it to the people of Hawkins.


in your eight years of living in Hawkins, are you aware of any accidents that have taken place on the Highway in the vicinity of the storage shed?

  1. Yes, numerous accidents and speeding citations have happened on that highway.

  1. On the day you were there, did you see any staff stationed in a place to prevent people from running into the highway?

No, that wasn’t something I remember seeing.



a delightful 36 years

  1. How did the Hawkins House of Horrors put the community of Hawkins on the map?

  1. Well, it did have basically the same amount of attendees as the population of the town, bringing in 1,927 people in 2023. But, it also became known as the event that resulted in Will Byers death.

  1. What did your coverage of the haunted house include?

  1. A lot of general information people would want to know, the typical who / what / where / when / why. Some teasers of set pieces and crafted decor to get people excited! Asking for volunteers to help. Pretty general stuff, at least until the event actually took place in October.

  1. I want to shift our focus from the road to the actual haunted house now. Were you ever at the actual haunted house site? 

  1. Yes, I attended safety meetings and the dress rehearsal the night before it opened.


Well, what about a barrier -- did you observe any barrier in place to prevent people from running into the highway?

  1. They had some picnic tables between the exit and the highway, but I wouldn’t say you could call them “barriers.” Those didn’t completely block off the highway like a proper barrier would.


