WH Questions
Problem Solving

“Ouch!” Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister Sarah, gliding backwards. She was so graceful. Sarah made everything look so easy.

What is Lucy doing?

A. Swimming

B. Bowling

C. Ice skating


What is an antonym for SHOUT?



Sarah is going to the eye doctor. The eye doctor tells Sarah that she needs to get glasses. Sarah feels upset because she does not want to wear glasses. The eye doctor lets Sarah pick out a pair of cool, pink glasses. Sarah tries them on and looks in the mirror. She likes her glasses because they are pink! 

Why is Sarah upset?


A. She doesn't like the color pink

B. She doesn't want to wear glasses

C. She doesn't like the eye doctor


James and Mark are trying to decide how to spend their Saturday mornings together since that’s the only time they don’t have other commitments. James wants to go to the skateboard park. Mark wants to join the basketball program at the YMCA.

What is the problem? How can we solve it?

A. They both do what they want. 

B. They stop being friends. 

C. They could join the basketball program for the season and go skateboarding during the off-season.


What is a synonym for PURCHASE?



Cody knew he was in big trouble. He looked glumly at the math test on the desk in front of him. The door opened, and Mr. Anders came into the office. “I’ve called your parents and they are on their way,” he said.

What happened?

A. He got a good grade

B. He cheated on the test

C. He forgot to write his name on the test


What is an antonym for BUY?



It was the last game of the regular season, and Luke’s baseball team, the Wildcats, had to win to make it to the playoffs. The coach called the whole team into a huddle before the game began. He said, “Whether we win or lose, it has been a great season. You should all be proud of yourselves. Let’s give it our best effort. But remember – a loss won’t lessen the greatness of our team. We have all worked well together and deserve to be proud of our accomplishments.

What is the name of their team?

A. Lions

B. Bears

C. Wildcats


Hillary found a friend who likes to dance as much as she does. Hillary likes to do other things, too, like skate, play card games, and read. Christy doesn’t like to do any of that. The only thing she likes to do besides dance is watch TV. 

What is the problem? How can we solve it?

A. They stop being friends. 

B. They take turns doing things that they like together. 

C. Hilary stops doing things she likes and watches tv with Christy. 


What is a synonym for SERVE?



People kept coming over to visit Rachel’s family. They brought food and gifts. Many of the visitors asked Rachel how she liked being a big sister.

Why were people visiting Rachel's family?

A. Rachel's mom had a baby

B. They adopted a puppy

C. Rachel got a new toy


What is an antonym for CHANGE?



Sloths are the slowest mammals on earth. It takes a full minute for a sloth to move 6 feet across the ground. You probably couldn’t move that slowly if you tried! Their claws and their long legs help them climb trees and hang from tree branches. They spend almost their entire lives hanging from tree branches. The life of a sloth is not very exciting. 

How long does it take them to move 6 feet across the ground?

A. 1 second

B. 1 minute

C. 1 hour


Michael and Jason’s class had a rabbit as a class pet. Mr. Adams asked who wanted to watch the rabbit over spring break. Both Michael and Jason wanted to watch the rabbit.

What is the problem? How can we solve it?

A. Michael takes the rabbit home

B. Nobody gets to take the rabbit home

C. They each get to watch the rabbit for half of the week. 


What is a synonym for SHUT?



Micah hid behind the bushes. Soon, a group of older boys walked by talking and laughing. Micah’s heart was beating fast. He tried not to make any noise. Micah waited until he could not hear the boys anymore. Then he picked up his books and walked home.

Why was Micah hiding?

A. He was afraid

B. He was hungry

C. He wanted to prank them


What is an antonym for PAST?



Benjamin’s class was learning about unusual animals. Today they were going on a field trip to the zoo to see some of the animals they had learned about. Benjamin’s favorite was the sloth. He had never seen one, but he had learned a lot about them, and seen pictures of them. They were so cute. 

What is Benjamin's favorite animal?

A. Sloth

B. Giraffe

C. Hippo


Dimitri and his brother Luke, got into a fight. There was one cookie left in the bag and they both wanted to eat it. 

What is the problem? How can we solve it?



A. They split the cookie

B. Nobody eats the cookie

C. Luke eats the cookie


What is a synonym for ERROR?



Jenna went upstairs and quietly peeked into a dark room. She listened for a moment, and then went back downstairs. She washed the dinner dishes and then she studied for an Algebra test until Mr. and Mrs. Olson got home.

Why did Jenna go upstairs?

A. To make sure the dog was asleep

B. To make sure the baby was asleep

C. To make sure the light was off


What is an antonym for ESCAPE?



Erik rang his grandparents’ doorbell and silently wished the next four hours would go by quickly. He didn’t want to give up his entire Saturday afternoon at his grandparents’ house where there were no kids in the neighborhood. “You’re right on time,” Grandma Bethany said, opening the door. “There’s tea and cake in the dining room.” Cake? At least the first ten minutes would go by quickly. 

When did Erik go to his grandparents house?

A. Friday

B. Monday

C. Saturday


Ryan and Angela went to the amusement park. Ryan loved roller coasters but Angela didn't really like them. Ryan wanted to go on the biggest roller coaster, but Angela wanted to play the arcade games.

What is the problem? How can we solve it?

A. They go home

B. They only go to the arcade.

C. First they go to the arcade, then they go on the roller coaster. 


What is a synonym for APPLAUD?