Is the position my full time position
What is my favorite soccer club
Borussia dortmund; schwatzgeblin
what is my current age
who is my favrotie soccer player
Cole campbell
who was my first kiss
owen chernin
what position do I play
Goal keeper; goaltender; Goalie
who is my favorite goalkeeper
Gregor kobel
what is my favorite color
who is my favrote singer
who was my first boyfriend
owen chernin
what is my number
What is my favorite soccer league
where was I born
wakeugan, Illinois
Who is my favrote striker
Sehrou Gurassy
Who is my best friend
Simone. P
What was my first soccer club
Chicago edge
what is my 2nd favorite soccer team
VFL Wolfsburg
what race do I identify as
European White
who is my favorite midfielder
Julian Hettwer
who is my best friend 2
Gus. C
What is my number I will change to
what is my favorite international FA
what is my favrote food
Who is my favorite defender
Nico schlotterbeck
who is my best friend 3
Andrew mc vey