May Flowers & More
Final Jeopardy

Which patriotic superhero was introduced by Marvel in 1941?

Captain America.

The comics featuring him quickly became bestsellers and continued to be popular throughout the war.


What is the name of the game where the players must toss a bean bag at a raised wooden platform with a hole in it?


Cincinnati, Ohio, is the cornhole capital of the world. Cornhole has become so popular that there is even an American Cornhole Association. Their events have been featured on ESPN.


What type of ribs are known for being small, lean, and tender?

Baby back ribs.

Smaller than spareribs, the name baby back gained popularity in the 1980s, when the pork industry began to market the smaller ribs as a more desirable alternative.


In many countries, we honor these people on the second Sunday in May.


The United States, Canada, and Australia are among the countries that celebrate on the second Sunday. However, in Mexico and parts of Latin America, Mother’s Day is celebrated annually on May 10.


What U.S. politician was known to keep many unusual pets, including a hyena?

Theodore Roosevelt.

He and his family also kept snakes, guinea pigs, and more.


What color is obsidian?


The hue is named for an igneous rock, which is usually jet black and glassy looking.


In what game do you attempt to roll a colored ball as close as possible to a smaller white ball on the other side of the court?


The game of bocce dates back to ancient Rome. Today, professional bocce competitions are held worldwide.


What popular jam-like condiment found at barbecues often consists of chopped pickles?


Although many typically think of relish being synonymous with pickles, a relish is considered a preserved condiment made from chopped fruits or vegetables.


This is one of the two astrological signs for May.

Taurus or Gemini.

One of the traits of those born under Taurus is ambition, while those born under Gemini are full of passion.


What sport are sunflower seeds associated with?


Sunflower seeds started to appear in Major League Baseball games around the 1950s as a way to replace chewing tobacco. By the 1980s, the seeds were synonymous with baseball.


In what game do two teams use their hands to hit a ball back and forth over a net?


The inventor of volleyball, William George Morgan, was friends with the man who invented basketball and wanted to create a game of his own. The original game of volleyball consisted of a soccer ball and a badminton net.


What is the name for the seasoned liquid used to soak meats prior to cooking?


Although they have come a long way, originally marinades were nothing more than salt water used to preserve the meat or fish that was going to be served.


People dance around this long pole wrapped with flowers, fabric, and garland on a day named for it.


May Day is celebrated on May 1, and the maypole has been in use since the 14th century in Britain.


What is it called when light changes direction after passing through a lens?


Refraction allows us to use lenses and magnifying glasses and is a critical component of human vision.


What is the name of the game that uses two jump ropes turned in an eggbeater fashion while participants jump inside them?

Double Dutch.

This sport dates to ancient Phoenician, Egyptian, and Chinese ropemakers.


What popular brand of ketchup features a 57 on the bottle?


H. J. Heinz put the famous 57 on the bottle in 1896, and it was said to represent the number of condiments the company manufactured. Back then, the Heinz company manufactured more condiments than that, but he believed that the number 57 sounded better than 60.


Hawaii celebrates this welcome gift for visitors on the first day of May.


Lei Day is a statewide celebration. Each island has its own lei, and removing it in front of the person who gave it to you is considered rude.


Which U.S. state is the only one to have a one-syllable name?


The most common syllable quantity for a state name is three syllables.


In what game do players act out various words and phrases using their bodies?


The game of charades originated in France in the 16th century and was embraced by British Victorians.


What is the correct term to use when cooking food hot and fast over a fire?


Unbeknownst to many people, there is a difference between grilling and barbecuing. Traditionally, grilling refers to cooking food hot and fast over a fire, whereas barbecuing consists of cooking food over a low flame slowly for a longer amount of time.


This May birthstone captures the splendor of mid-spring nature.


Some claim that those who wear emeralds are able to predict the future. The gem symbolizes rebirth and fertility.


How many toes do cats have on each back paw?


They have five toes on each of their front paws. Scientists have speculated that having four toes on the back paws instead of five might give them an advantage in speed.


What game involves one team trying to take the other team’s flag and get it back to their territory?

Capture the flag.

The deviousness of the players is often a major component of the game.


What type of wood chips are typically used for smoking meats in barbecue?


Hickory is amongst the most popular types of wood to use when smoking meats due to its strong smoke, which infuses a smoky, nutty, and sweet flavor into the meat. Hickory is often used in both Midwestern and Southeastern barbecue.


This is the official Mother’s Day flower.


White carnations are the most popular. They symbolize the purity of a mother’s love.