D.C Neighborhoods

Which continent is the color orange?

South America


"Block by block, people were forced to move as wrecking crews demolished homes, shops, churches, and synagogues." - Southwest resident

What word is this resident describing? 

Gentrification or Urban Renewal

This founding father was: The 1st Secretary of Treasury, A political rival against Thomas Jefferson, A participant in The Compromise of 1790, A participant in The Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783, and a very good bargainer. 

Who is this? 

Alexander Hamilton. 


Who are these two people?

*You must answer both names correctly to receive all 200 points. 

Muriel Bowser and Joe Biden


Look at the picture.

What type of resource is this?

Fire is a Natural Resource.


What ocean is labeled with the letter 'A'? 

The Arctic Ocean


In the Shaw neighborhood, the Lincoln-Westmoreland Apartments were put together in the. year 1971 to help lower income families who needed a place to live.

The Lincoln-Westmoreland apartments still exist today.

What is it called when the cost of a house or an apartment is kept low so that people can pay for it easily?

Affordable Housing


Name two features of the L'Enfant plan and why Pierre L'Enfant decided to design the capital city with those features. 

L'Enfant designed D.C with the Capitol Building on a hill. He also designed D.C with the Capitol Building in the center of the map. 

He did this because he wanted 'the people's house', where the people come together to make the laws, to be the focus of the city. 


What is this name of this building and what is the MAIN power of the branch of government that works there? 

This is the Capitol Building.

The MAIN power of the legislative branch is to make laws.


Which of the following is NOT an example of a service?

Book Writer, Cashier, Burger Eater, Artist, Driver. 

Burger Eater is just someone doing something. It's not someone providing a service for someone else. 


What are the coordinates of the square?

30North Latitude, 45East Longitude 


This is a picture of a 15 year old boy named Spottswood and his mother in the Anacostia neighborhood. Spottswood Bolling, and nine other African American students, attempted to enter John Phillips Sousa High School in 1954 but were stopped by the Principal because they were black.

In protest, they sued the school and won. This court-case 'Bolling v. Sharpe' led to what happening to all Washington D.C public schools? 

All Washington D.C Public Schools became desegregated, or integrated, so that children of all races could attend school together. 


This act was signed by George Washington. It led to a 100 square foot area being created along the Potomac River. The area would later be called 'Washington D.C'. 

What is this act called? 

The Residence Act of 1790. 


What is a 'check and balance' that the Executive Branch has over the Legislative Branch?

The Executive Branch can veto laws that the Legislative branch makes. 


In the summer months, the temperature in southern Texas can get as high as 110 degrees Fahrenheit. 

In these conditions, is an air-conditioning unit an example of a need or a want? 

A need. 

If the temperature is 110 degrees, you need air conditioning to survive. 


This is a map of Washington D.C during which time period?

This is a map of D.C from the 1800s. Before The Retrocession Act of 1946 gave the part of D.C below the Potomac River back to Virginia. 


On October 4th, 1954, nearly 800 white students walked out of Anacostia High School and McKinnley High School in protest. 

One of the boys yelled: "My sisters will never go to school with them colored kids. Not as long as there is breath in my body and gunpowder in my Daddy's rifle."

What was this boy arguing in support of? 



This person was: A skilled mathematician and astronomer, a surveyor on the mission to mark the square perimeter of Washington D.C in 1791, an abolitionist who wrote Thomas Jefferson and accused him of being a criminal because he owned African Americans as slaves.

Who is this person?

Benjamin Banneker. 

During the Revolutionary War Period, someone argues: "We need to remain calm. All this talk of war is getting out of hand. Why do we want 'the people' to decide anyway? Look at these people. Most of them can't even read. You want them making decisions? No. We need one leader. A royal leader. One who has been trained to lead and make tough decisions from birth. It's the only way." 

What type of government is this person arguing in support of?



For the school bake sale, the student council needs to make fifty cupcakes by Wednesday. The council makes twenty cupcakes on Monday and then makes thirty cupcakes on Tuesday. 

Is this an example of 'Scarcity' or 'No-Scarcity'? 

This is 'No-Scarcity' because the students needed fifty cupcakes and successfully made the amount that they needed. 
Name the two rivers that outline Washington D.C to the south and southeast.

Name the two states that surround Washington D.C to the north and south.

Name the closest ocean to Washington D.C.

*You must name all five correctly to receive all 500 points.

The Potomac River and the Anacostia River.

Maryland to the North and Virginia to the South.

The Atlantic Ocean. 


Due to African American students enrolling into school that used to be 'all-white' after desegregation, hundreds of white families protested by pulling their kids out of Washington D.C public schools and moving away from the city and into small towns in Maryland or Virginia.

This is called: 

White Flight


What was the main result of the following events:

1700s: The Revolutionary War.

1800s: The Civil War.

1900s: The Great Migration

*You must describe the result of all three events to receive all 500 points. 

The Revolutionary War resulted in America defeating the British Empire and becoming a democracy.

The Civil War resulted in the Union Army defeating the Confederate Army and abolishing slavery in the south.

The Great Migration resulted in thousands of African Americans leaving the south and moving to cities in the Northern United States or in Canada. 


What are five powers that the legislative branch has? 

The legislative branch can make laws, declare war, collect taxes, override vetos, and impeach presidents and/or supreme court justices. 


Consider the following:

During late June, a big sale goes up for fireworks, red, white and blue home decorations, and American flags.

On July 1st, your father goes to the store in search of decorations to add to your 4th of July cook-out party, unfortunately, the store is sold out.

This is an example of what kind of supply/demand situation?

High Demand/Low Supply.