2.54 High Risk Patients
2.55 Wild Animals/Unattended
2.56 Private Patients (NI)
2.15 Search


DEFINITION: High Risk Patient, there are two separate definitions.



                                                                    Patients who poses a risk to the safety of themselves, other patients, visitors or staff.                                                        

Any patient who has been physically abused or in cases where there is a reasonable suspicion of such abuse.





When a wild or unattended animal is spotted in the Medical Center, what should the officer do? There are two things.

1. Escort or remove any patient/family from the room or area where the animal is present.   

2. If possible, attempt containment by closing doors                        







What is a private patient?

                                                                       Patients who are not listed in the hospital directory during their hospitalization                        




Who searches patients, rooms, and patient items?

Clinical Staff


What are the 4 facets of customer service

Fast, Friendly, Focused, and Flexible



Risk can be established on the basis of what 3 things?



                                                                          Knowledge of the patient’s prior behavior

Admission from a psychiatric unit/agency for a specific diagnosis related to unsafe behavior

 Behavior exhibited while a patient.                                                  




Who should be contacted? There are 4 groups.

1. Animal Control

2. Facility Services (aka) Engineering

3. Risk Management

4. EH&S


Passwords or Codes are made by who?

Patients/Family members that request Private Patient status.


Who searches visitors?

Security, "Must have consent", and you must stop if consent is stopped. If consent is stopped, consider trespass if needed.


What is a Yellow Notice?


A yellow piece of paper stating: You are requested to remove the item of interest from Medical Center property before entry is permitted.





Based upon risk, the Patient Safety Plan may include what things once the patient is assigned a bed?



 An inventory of the patient’s belongings to ensure proper documentation of valuables, etc.

                                                                    Additional security patrols for the department/floor. 

Assignment of a“sitter”                  
                                                                      Posting Security Personnel at the nurse's station

Posting Security Personnel at the patient’s  door          
















What should engineering respond with. *hint*

What items? There are two.

Nets and protective clothing


What patients are automatically made private?

Psych Patients, VIP's, and PTA's


What are we looking for in a search?

Restricted Items. Security Officer needs to know what to say to the patient and or family/visitors if search is requested. Always notify ECC if a search is requested.


What is a Blue Notice?

If a person is suspected of purposely hiding or concealing a weapon they will be issued a Blue Notice stating: 

"You have been requested to leave Medical Center property and will not be permitted to return until further review of your possession of this weapon. You may request review of this prohibition by contacting the Security Supervisor at 716-3305 or emailing your concerns to Security@wakehealth.edu"

North Carolina Statute GS 14-269 prohibits the carrying of concealed weapons, the Medical Center considers any firearm, knife, or device without purpose on Medical Center property to be a weapon.




What will be done with packages, bags, etc. brought in by visitors to “high risk patients” 



They will be inspected to ensure that there are no items that can be used as a weapon.




If the animal is a Bat, who responds to handle the capture.

Who is Engineering.


Who should be notified if someone is asking about a private patient?

The Nursing Supervisor. "Security may be asked to standby with Nursing Supervisor when meeting with people concerning the patient." 


What are restricted items?


 All medications not prescribed by the present care team, illegal drugs, alcohol, and toxic substances;
- matches, lighters, or other flammable sources;
- guns, knives, and other items that readily lend themselves to use as weapons.                      




       DOUBLE POINTS.      Staffing Plan:                                       

Emergency calls will be triaged in the following order of response: There are 6 of them.




 1. Emergency alarms/calls/threats to         life,safety,facility.                            

2. Patient Security                                             

3. Escorts

4. Helipad Responses                                        

5. Investigations

6. Vehicle Assists  





Double Points- 2 questions and answers

1. Additional actions in a pediatric High Risk situation may include what actions?

2. What outside agency may initiate and stop safety plans





                                                                            1. Visitation restrictions.                                

Movement of the child to a room with a direct view from the nurses’ station 

Removal of parent/guardian or other visitors from the room  


 2. Department of Social Services. (DSS)








Who removes the bat and performs testing?

Animal Control



When a patient repeatedly fails to maintain the integrity of Private Patient status (openly provides location and/or password), removal of the status may be considered. Who will determine if the patient status could be changed?  



Appropriate (Clinical, Security, Risk Management, Patient Relations) should discuss with the patient the purpose or need for maintaining the status.

*Typically Clinical Staff makes the determination.                               



What is Reasonable Suspicion?




Circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that a specific behavior has occurred, is occurring, or is imminent. Reasonable suspicion would not rely on conjecture, speculation, or mere suggestion that a behavior is present.








What are the 2 types of evidence that are collected?

1. Foreign Body i.e. Fragments, or any object removed from a patient's body,

2. Clothing