A black sign with a yellow circle
Arresting gear marker
The color of taxiway centerline lights
This color is used on light-colored pavements to outline markings
The allowable grass height
A white legend on a red background would be this type of sign
Mandatory instruction sign
This light defines the lateral limits and is required for day and night instrument operations
taxiway edge light
This marking is intended to be a visual precursor to an approaching runway holding position
Enhanced hold position
How long must members wait to test after a second airfield driving failure?
7 days
The amount of FAA style signs
These are used as a warning to anyone approaching the runway holding position
These colors are used to mark obstructions
Orange and white
The rotational speed of airfield rotating beacons
6 RPM's
For runways lengths that are not exact multiples of 1000ft where is the runway end RDM placed
Half of the excess length
This is the shortened version of an ALSF-1
These are the three marking patterns for manned, fixed-wing runways
VFR, non-precision, precision
The DV code S1 would be representative of this this person/position
POTUS, Heads of State/Reigning Royalty
The amount of degrees guidance and information signs may be canted up to aid pilot visibility if the sign is not double faced
15 degrees
The length of an ALSF-1
The approval authority for non-standard markings
The speed needed to fully extend a windsock
15 kts