Summer Food Safety
Summer Weather
Healthy Cape Cod
TCI Trivia
What's in a Game

True or false:

It is okay to leave food on the counter all day?


Food should be put away/refridgerated within 2 hours.

If the outside temperature is above 90', put it away in 1 hour!


When is a thunderstorm most likely to happen?

Thunderstorms are most likely to occur at the warmest, most humid part of the day over land, which is usually the afternoon or evening. 

Over the ocean they are most likely to occur in the early hours of the morning before dawn.


How long is the Cape Cod Rail Trail?

It is 25.5 miles long. The trail route passes through the towns of Yarmouth, Dennis, Harwich, Brewster, Orleans, Eastham, and Wellfleet. 


Something was just painted yellow.

What was it?

Why was it done?

The curb in front of TCI and the accessability ramps.

It was done for safety. 


If you score zero in this game, it is called




If the power goes out, should I open the refridgerator often to make sure the food is cold? 

NO! Everytime the door opens, the cold air escapes and warm air enters. 

Plan ahead and grab things quickly.


This season starts June 1 and ends November 30.

Hurricane season.


What does every town on Cape Cod have to help people with resources as they age?

The local Senior Center or Council on Aging.


Which is closer to TCI? 

Yarmouth Police Station or Mass State Police Barracks?

State Police: 1.6 miles from TCI

YPD: 2.7 miles from TCI


In this game, players throw inflated balls at opponents, trying to hit them and knock them out of the game.



True or false:

You do not have to wash fruits and vegetables that you are going to peel anyway?


Slicing dirty produce can transfer the germs from the skin onto the flesh of the food. 


Why is Cape Cod weather milder than the rest of Massachusetts?

Because of the geography of the Cape penisula. We are surrounded by the ocean waters which take longer to change temperature than the air.


What is a red tide? Is it dangerous?

A red tide is when algae in the water 'blooms' and may have a red color to it. It is dangerous for humans and animals. 

DO NOT swim or eat seafood from an area with a red tide alert.


What is our address?

What is our telephone number?

782 MA Route 28, South Yarmouth 

508 398 3333


This team's first season 100 years ago.

HINT: it was one of the original 6. 



What is the FSMA?

The Food Safety Modernization Act.

The FSMA was created so instead of responding to situations of food-borne illness, it is prevented with safer processing, handling and storage of food.


When is the longest day of the year?

Thu, Jun 20, 2024, 4:50 PM

The Summer Solstice (Solstice-astronomical start of the summer)


What is a rip tide? Is it dangerous?

Rip currents are powerful, narrow channels of fast-moving water. They are very dangerous.

If caught in a rip current, swim along the shore until you are past the rip current. 


Where on Route 28 does West Yarmouth end 

and South Yarmouth begin?

Parker's River. 


When you play this game, you want to run out of cards first.



How long does it take for bacteria to start growing on food?

In the 'right' conditions, in as little as 20 minutes.


If you can get a sunburn, can you get a moonburn?

No. The Sun is more than 400,000 times brighter than the Moon and very little of the UV-B light is reflected by the Moon. 

Sunburns are primarily caused by UV-B light. The intensity of the UV-A reflected by the Moon is very low.


Should you pick up anything you find on the beach?

Be careful: it could be still be alive and sting you. 

There could be dangerous items hidden in other things - like a bag with broken bottles in it.


Is the Cape Cod Canal                                      man-made?

Yes. The area was home to small tidal rivers, the Manomet and the Scusset, and the canal was built in 1909. First discussions of building the canal started in 1623 with the state having a formal discussion in 1627. 


For TCI folks, this game can be played in the gym, on the Wii or in an alley.
