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Summertime cooks apply this thick sauce to meat toward the end of the grilling process.

What is barbecue? If you apply it too early, it will burn while the food cooks through. In the U.S., there are four predominant regional styles of barbecue sauce: Texas, Memphis, Kansas City, and Carolina


This popular purple vegetable, prominent in Italian and Greek cooking, is ripe for harvest in August.

What is eggplant? When its skin is smooth and shiny and it seems too heavy, it’s ripe.


Money doesn’t grow on these.

What are trees? We say this when we perceive that someone doesn’t understand the value of money


 Cairo is the capital of this North African country

What is Egypt? The Great Pyramid of Giza outside Cairo is the only location of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World remaining.


What is the brightest star in the sky: Mercury or the sun?

What is the sun? the sun is the only source of natural light for our entire solar system. It takes 8 minutes for the natural light to reach Earth from the sun.


This is a more common term for “mopping.”

What is basting? Whatever you call it, it’s applying a seasoned liquid while grilling to keep the food soft and moist. The newfangled term for “spraying” is spritzing. Thank you to all the celebrity chefs for keeping us on our toes with new terminology!


When you begin to feel a nip in the air in late August, it is time to plant this generic salad ingredient. Some varieties of it include oak leaf and Buttercrunch.

What is lettuce? You can also plant any salad green, cucumber, or root or tuber vegetable in early fall. Cucumbers prefer warm weather, but they grow quickly.


This is the most counterfeited U.S. note

What is the $20 bill? Betcha thought it was the $100 note. That’s the most counterfeited note outside of the United States. North Korea is the largest counterfeiter, and their dupes look so genuine that they cannot be detected other than by the Federal Reserve’s special machines.


Lisbon is the capital of this country

What is Portugal? Lisbon is the oldest city in Western Europe. Fado is a genre of sad folk music, and Fado restaurants are popular among tourists and locals there


Which is a type of currency in Europe: the yen or the euro?

What is the Euro? the euro was first introduced in 1999, and EU nations began to make the switch. Twenty years later, 75 % of EU nations were using the euro as their sole currency. 


Add this to the ice in a manual ice-cream maker before churning the ingredients.

What is (rock) salt? Adding salt makes the ice cream freeze faster.


This huge late bloomer is prized for its bright yellow color and its edible seeds.

What is sunflower? What we think of as one sunflower is actually multiple flowers. The fuzzy, brown center comprises over a thousand tiny flowers.


This country was the first to use paper money

What is China? It was a double-edged sword: It was distrusted, but it made international trade easier.


Santiago is the capital of this South American country.

What is Chile?


What is a popular taco topping: cucumber or tomatoes

What are tomatoes? tomatoes are not only found in red varieties but can also include pink, purple and black and white. The largest tomato plant can be found at Walt Disney World. It is larger than an olympic-sized swimming pool.

You probably associate charcoal grills with this American brand

What is Weber? The brand consistently comes up in grilling-related Top 10 lists.


These beautiful insects love flowers, but you won’t see them once fall temperatures arrive, because they can’t fly in temperatures less than 55ºF.

What are butterflies? A group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope or flutter.


U.S. paper money is made from a combination of two textiles (fabric). One is linen, and this is the other.

What is cotton? The composition is 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen. Many countries have switched to longer-lasting polymer notes.


Reykjavik is the capital of this European country

What is Iceland? Iceland is part of the European continent but not part of the European Union. Fun fact: Dogs were banned in Reykjavik from 1924–1984 because they were considered farm animals.


What countries make up the island of Great Britain: England, Wales, and ____: Spain or Scotland?

What is Scotland? The UK is smaller than the state of Oregon in the US and only slightly larger in size than the country of Ghana


Place ice on this pulse point for a few minutes to cool down quickly

What is wrist? Another way to cool down quickly is to place an ice pack on the back of your neck.


The act of removing spent blooms is referred to by this term. If you’ve been doing it all season, make sure to stop in August if you want the seeds to self-sow.

What is deadheading or pruning? When you stop removing spent flowers, they will turn into seed pods. You can pierce the pod with your fingers and spread the seeds for even more blooms next year.


Money is not the root of evil, but this is.

What is a love of money? This comes from the Bible—1 Timothy 6:10


Jakarta is the capital of this Asian country

What is Indonesia? Jakarta is a province, not a city, but it received special status as the capital of Indonesia.


Which island is closer to Australia: Hawaii or New Zealand?

New Zealand. New Zealand is home to many unique animals, including birds that have lost their ability to fly, like the Kiwi