What type of creature is Chewbacca?
What is a Wookiee?
Yoda dueled with which of his former students in Attack of the Clones?
Who is Count Dooku?
In the Phantom Menace, what is Anakin Skywalker famous for on Tatooine?
What is pod racing?
In a New Hope, Luke and Hand rescue Leia disguised as what?
What are storm troopers?
What color are the emperor's guards?
What is red?
Who says: "Better her than me"?
Who is Han Solo?
What is Chancellor Palpatine's Sith name?
What is Darth Sidious?
What are the names of the ancient living crystals used to craft the weapons of the Sith and Jedi?
What are Kyber Crystals?
Who did Han Solo shoot at the cantina?
Who is Greedo?
What is the name of the fighter spacecraft flown by the Empire?
What are TIE Fighters?
What planet is destroyed by the Death Star in A New Hope?
What is Alderaan?
What Event, led by a programming within an embedded chip, led Clone troopers to turn on their Jedi allies, killing nearly all of them?
What is Order 66?
What was the code Galen Erso gave to the structural readouts of the Death Star?
What is code "Stardust"?
What was Finn's identification/designation as a First Order Storm Trooper?
What is FN-2187?
What job did Finn have on the Starkiller Base?
What is Sanitation?
What type of creature does Han Solo cut open so that Luke can stay warm inside it?
What is a Tauntaun?
What was the name of the native amphibious species that faced the Federation droid army in the Battle of Naboo?
What are Gungans?
In Rogue One, Cassian Andor began fighting for the rebellion when he was _____ years old?
What is six?
Who does Kylo Ren capture on the raid on Jakku?
Who is Poe Dameron?
In the Last Jedi, what is Rose's job with the resistance?
What is a maintenance worker?
What type of farmers were Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru?
What are Moisture Farmers?
In A Force Awakens, how many portions did Unkar Plutt offer Rey for BB-8?
What are 60 portions?
Who is Jango Fett?
In the Empire Strikes Back, what is broken on the Millenium Falcon?
What is the Hyperdrive?
What are the odds of navigating an asteroid field?
What is 3,720 to 1?