Minute to Win It
Time Travel Unravel
Are We There Yet?
Can I Have Yo (Multi) Digits?
Just the Two (Digit) Of Us

A cat was laying in the window and took a nap at 11:03 a.m. She woke up and it was noon. How many minutes did she nap for?

57 minutes

It took Ethan 25 minutes to do his homework. What time did he start if he finished it at 6:00 p.m.?

5:35 p.m.


Ms. Turner leaves her house at 7:46 in the morning to head to work. What time does she arrive if it takes her 19 minutes driving?

8:05 a.m.


A bakery sells boxes of cookies for $6. How much money would the bakery make from the cookies if they sold 700 boxes in a few months?

$6 x 700 = $4,200


What is the product of 30 x 70?



Students were working on a school project. They started after school at 3:48 p.m. and finished at 5:00 p.m. How long did they work on their project for?

1 hour and 12 minutes (72 mins)

Everly must be ready to leave for school at 7:45 a.m. It takes her 7 minutes to pick out her outfit and get dressed, 8 minutes to do her hair, and 24 minutes to eat breakfast. What is the latest time she can wake up and be ready for school?

7:06 a.m.


Kaitlyn and Audrey went for a walk to the ice cream parlor. They left Kaitlyn's house at 5:37 p.m. It took them 8 minutes to get there and then an additional 9 minutes to wait in line. They spent 14 minutes chatting and eating their dessert. Then, they headed home. What time did they leave the ice cream parlor?

6:08 p.m.


Which product is greater?

5 x 42 or 7 x 31

5 x 42 = 210

7 x 31 = 217 (This is greater)


Landyn and his brother catch 50 fish in a month. How many fish would they catch in a year if they catch the same amount of fish every month?

50 fish x 12 months = 600 fish


Jacob was helping his family rake leaves one Saturday afternoon. They finished at 4:26 p.m. and started at 2:29 p.m. How long did it take them to rake their whole yard?

1 hour, 57 minutes


Kyle climbed into bed at 9:45 p.m. Before that, he watched two 30 minute shows, ate dinner for 28 minutes, and took 14 minutes to get ready for bed. What time did he start his evening activities?

8:03 p.m.


Masen was taking surf lessons during the summer. His lesson started at 10:50 a.m. and lasted 85 minutes. What time did his surf lesson end? Use a.m. or p.m. in your answer.

85 mins = 1 hour, 25 mins

12:15 p.m.


Jaxon, Emma, and Finley are all playing a game to win money. They hit the jackpot and won $682 each. How much was their total winnings?

3 people x $682 = $2,046


Chandler went with his mom to pick strawberries. They filled 34 baskets with 23 strawberries in each basket. How many total strawberries did they pick altogether?

34 x 23 = 782 strawberries


Ivy and Vayda went shopping. They got to the mall at 12:15 p.m. and stopped shopping at 2:37 p.m. They headed to the food court right after and left to go home at 3:03 p.m. How long did the girls spend at the mall?

2 hours, 48 mins


Mia, Stella, and Jacqueline-Denise had a sleepover. They took 18 minutes to make drinks, snacks, and popcorn. They also spent 26 minutes building a fort out of pillows and blankets. Then, they watched a movie for 96 minutes. When the movie was over, the girls went to bed. What time did they start the sleepover if the movie was over at 9:13 p.m.?

6:53 p.m.


CJ was helping his dad make steak tacos for dinner. It took 24 minutes to chop up the tomatoes and cilantro. It took an additional 8 minutes to grate the cheese and 5 minutes to briefly toast the tortillas. Once the preparation was done, they grilled the steak for 22 minutes and let it rest for 10 minutes. What time did CJ and his family sit down to eat if they began cooking at 6:37 p.m.?

7:46 p.m.


A local farm grew fresh sweet corn on its land. Each plot had 4 rows with 15 stalks of corn in each row. How many total ears of corn will the farm grow if each stalk can produce 6 ears of corn?

4 x 15 = 60 x 6 = 360 ears of corn


Vu collected 79 Pokemon playing Pokemon Go last month. His cousin is more addicted to the game and collected 43 times that amount. How many Pokemon did both boys collect combined?

Vu: 79

Cousin: 79 x 23 = 1,817

Both combined: 1,817 + 79 = 1,896 Pokemon


A surprise party for Emily was being held at 1:45 p.m. The last guest didn't leave the party until 5:32 p.m. How many minutes was the last guest at the party for?

3 hrs, 47 mins = 180 minutes + 47 mins = 227 mins


Kemani and Tristan went to the Hard Rock Stadium to see a concert. They grabbed burgers and fries at the restaurant before heading to the stadium. They spent 54 minutes at the restaurant. After they paid, they took a brief 8 minute walk and waited in the security line. The concert was over at 10:15 p.m. and lasted 173 minutes. What time did the boys arrive at the Hard Rock?

6:20 p.m.


The third grade class is going on a field trip to the zoo. They leave at 8:05 a.m. and it takes 72 minutes to get there. Once there, it took another 25 minutes to sign paperwork, collect the tickets, and evenly disperse them out to the classes. The students got to explore the exhibits for 366 minutes before heading back to school. What time did the buses make their way home?

366 mins + 72 mins + 25 mins = 463 mins (7 hrs, 43 mins)

They would leave the zoo at 3:43 p.m.


What is the value of n in the following equation?

519 x n = 4,152

n = 8


Joseph and Sawyer were baking cookies for the Morningside Bake Sale. They each baked 8 dozen cookies. Each cookie had 27 chocolate chips inside. How many chocolate chips did the boys use in all?

Joseph: 8 x 12 = 96 cookies x 27 chips = 2,592 chips

Sawyer: 2,592 chips

Both boys (Total): 5,184 chocolate chips