What did the Spanish destroy?
What are books and religion.
What are the Three Sisters?
What is corn, beans, and squash.
What was the number they base their mathematical system on.
What is 20.
If you father was a farmer what would you be?
What is a farmer.
Why did they have jobs?
What is work and money.
Who killed most of the Mayans?
What is the Spanish.
Why do the Mayans have fertile soil?
What is tropical climate.
Who is the god of rain?
Who is Chac.
What did slaves/peasants bring to priests?
What are tributes or gifts.
How is K’inich Janaab Pakal known today?
What is Pakal The Great.
When did Maya begin?
What is 250-900 AD.
What are three of the animals that they hunt?
What is armadillos, deer, rabbits, and fish.
Who is the god of day and night?
Who is Itzamna.
Who are two people that lived in luxury?
What are kings, priests, and nobles.
What did they use for money?
What is cocoa beans.
What did they study?
What is astronomy.
What are two animals did they domesticate.
What is are dogs, turkey, and honey bees.
Who is the goddess of suicide.
Who is Ix Tab
How could you talk to the noble?
What is talking to the noble servants.
What would they use for bigger purchases?
What is gold, jade, and copper.
What year did the drought climate end?
What is the year 1517.
What are cenotes?
What are holes that fill up with water
What did they do to represent the gods/goddesses they believe in.
What are religious dances and clothing.
What is the job for the women?
What is gardening, taking care of the kids, and taking care of the house.
What is K’inich Janaab Pakal normally wearing?
What is a green necklace and red pants.