Hate is often confused
This line is in this poem
What is A Kind of love, Some Say
What is Woman empowerment and self love
Fill in the blank(s) from the phrase from Men
Palms of their hands, gentle, as if you/ Were the last ___ ___ in the world
What is Raw Egg
A young body, light? As winter sunshine
What is a simile
This event caused Maya to not talk for years
What is she was S/A'd
Only the smell of your love lingers between my breasts
This line is in this poem
What is Remembrance
This is the theme of Just For A Time
What is nostalgia or a relationship
Fill in the blank(s) from the phrase from The memory
Thunderbolts on leather strops/ And all my body _____
What is burning
These are the literary devices in Still I Rise
What are repetition and rhetorical questions
Who is her husband
Sunrise seems to hesitate and in that second
This line is in this poem
What is My Arkansas
What is the theme of Lady Luncheon Club
What is gender dynamics and societal triviality within casual settings, urging deeper engagement
Fill in the blank(s) from the phrase from The singer will not sing
Her lips are ridged and/ ____ . Purpled night birds snuggled to rest.
What is cracked
Maya Angelou asks herself questions then answers such as
Ships?/ Sure I'll sail them.
Men?/ Yes I'll love them.
in this poem
What is Call Letters: Mrs. V.B.
This event fueled Maya to write poetry
What is her teacher reading her writing when she wouldn't talk
Images framed picture perfect Do not move beyond the window siding
This line is in this poem
What is Through the Inner City to the Suburbs
What is how satisfying finding a true connection to another person can be
Fill in the blank(s) from the phrase from Junkie Monkey Reel
Teeth rock in fetid gums./ Eyes ____, die, then float in/ Simian juice.
What is dart
This is the Rhyme Scheme of most of Willie
What is A,A,A,B,A
Willie is this based on this person to Maya
Who is her uncle
Papa drove steel and Mama stood guard
This line is in this poem
What is One More Round
This is the theme of The Traveler
What is loneliness and the passage of time in a brief yet emotional way
Fill in the blank(s) from the phrase from The Lesson
Memory of old tombs,/ Rotting flesh and _____
What is Worms
What is Ain't we black or Ain't we bad
This Poem is for Maya's brother Bailey
What is Kin