What did the Mayan celebrate?
The celebration of life/ Day of the Dead
What was the purpose of celebrating the Day of the Dead?
The holiday was made so the souls of deceased loved ones could visit their families.
What did they leave out as an offering on graves?
What are the three things they did to celebrate the celebration of life?
Cook giant chicken tamales, Fly kites, and clean / decorate graves.
Why did people set out food and drinks on the day of the dead?
So the souls of loved ones could enjoy food when they visited.
How far back does the celebration of life go?
1800 BC and pre-Hispanic times
What helped guide the dead back to their families?
Kites / candles and flowers
What do Mayan's think death is?
A very natural and serious thing.
When did this holiday start?
Beginning of summer
What did the souls of the children use to find their way back to their families?
Candles and Flowers / Kites
List three things they used to decorate outside their houses.
Green crosses, Pumpkins, and a corn-based drink
What symbolizes burying of the dead?
True or false: The celebration was a holiday that took place for only one day and was celebrated from dawn to dusk.
False. The celebration took place for a few days before festivities died down.
Name one holiday the celebration of life is aligned with.
All souls day or all saints day