What did the mayans use as currency?
What are cacao beans
Where did the people of Chechen itza make offerings to rain deities?
What are sinkholes and lakes?
the Mayans invented the mathematical concept of what number?
What is Zero?
where is chichen itza
where is Yucatan?
Who defeated the Mayan Empire?
Who are the spanish?
What is the green stone that the Mayans use for jewelry?
What is jade?
How many steps did Chechen itza have?
what was 365?
how many types of Mayan art are there
what where three?
how many great Mayan cites were there?
what was 3?
What where halach uinic?
What is the black stone that Mayans use for weapons
What is obsidian?
What planet was the avatar of the feathered serpent god
What is venus
What is a Mayan art still popular today?
What are Murals?
What is the most westward of the great Mayan cities?
what is Uxmal?
Who where in the ruling councils of chichen izta?
Who where the city’s elite?
What was essential to Chechen itza?
What is farming?
Who was the feathered serpent god
Who was K’uk’ulkan
what Mayan are normally requires a Chizel?
What are carvings?
What was the name of the northmost great Mayan cities
In 889 BCE, who might have sat atop his ornate palace
Who is lord K‘ak’ Upakal?
What is the yellow fruit that Chechen itza farm the most?
What is corn 🌽
What was the name of the realm of the gods and ansestors
What was flower mountai?
what are the colors of Mayan art?
what are black, red, blue-green, yellow, and white?
what was Chichen Itza's population
What was 50,000 people.
Who is K'inich Janaab Paka (Pakal the great)?