Who is Hannah Montanas Bestfriend?
When was the declaration of independence signed?
What color(s) is R2 D2
Blue and White
How many holes are in a typical round of golf?
What is Mayzis full name?
Addison May White
Finish the lyric: “ Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun. Wanderin free wish I could be…
Part of your world.
Who was the 4th president of the United States?
James Madison
What type of doctor was doctor strange?
What is it called when a player gets a point from and overhead attack in volleyball?
How many sports has May played in her life?
7 (soccer, volleyball, lax, mma, gymnastics, dance, basketbal)
In Princess and the frog what object does Ray fall in love with thinking it’s a firefly?
a Star
Which Greek goddess was the Parthenon dedicated too?
Where were the Lord of the Rings movies filmed?
New Zealand
What are the colors of the Olympic rings?
Blue yellow black green red
What are my pets name (right now) 5
Dallas, Maggie, Cinnamon, Applesauce, Bentley
How many arms + legs does Stitch have?
What does the 19th Amendment do?
Give women the right to vote.
what is the name of the planet what humans are visiting in their “avatar” form in Avatar
What country won the 2006 FIFA World cup?
How Many bones has May broken?
What are the names of Hades minions in Hercules?
Pain and Panic
How old was Queen Elizabeth II when she became the queen of England?
What video game does Thor play in Avengers Endgame?
Where did softball originate?
What does King Eric do for a living?
Playground designer