Conflict Management
Motivating Others
Gaining Power and Influence
Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively
Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively
Four sources of conflict are (1) personality-defect, (2) informational deficiency, (3) role incompatibility, and (4) environmental stress. The correct sources are... A) All the sources indicated are correct. B) All are correct except source 1. C) All are correct except source 4. D) Only sources 2 and 3 are correct.
What is... B) Source 1 is incorrect. Personality-defect theory of conflict has been shown to be a less valid theory of conflict, and the text favors four alternative sources of conflict. Sources 2, 3, and 4 are correct. The four sources of conflict listed in the text are (1) personal differences, (2) informational deficiencies, (3) role incompatibility, and (4) environmental stress.
When asking if an employee's poor performance is due to lack of ability or lack of motivation, a supervisor should consider (1) the difficulty of the task, (2) whether the employee is trying or not, and (3) how the employee's co-worker, who has similar ability and motivation, is doing on the job. The following statement is correct. A) All three statements are correct. B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct. C) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. E) Only statement 2 is correct.
What is B) Though some managers attempt to make comparisons between similar employees, it is not often helpful and may lead to erroneous conclusions. For this reason, the supervisor should consider only the first two
This is what subordinates should perceive about their boss in order to feel a higher status in the organization and to feel higher morale? A) He is on their side. B) He has considerable downward influence. C) He has considerable "clout." D) He is equal to them.
What is C) In order to feel higher morale, the boss should have considerable clout. Powerful managers not only can accomplish more personally, but can pass on more information and make more resources available to subordinates.
This is what you should do when practicing congruent communication... A) Blow off steam immediately on getting upset B) Never suppress your feelings of anger or disappointment C) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what you are thinking and feeling D) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what others are ready to hear
What is C) Congruent communication requires only that the verbal and nonverbal communication matches what you are thinking and feeling. It does not mean that you should always be brutally honest with others.
A manager of a shipping department was concerned about an order that a customer reported as several weeks late. To define the problem, the manager asked an employee in the shipping department why the order had not arrived. The employee said, "Someone probably made a mistake on the address. That would be my guess." Thus, the manager asked the employee to reship the order. The characteristic of good problem definition is most violated by this manager was A) The problem factual information should be differentiated from opinion or speculation. B) The problem should be stated explicitly. C) The problem definition should be different than a disguised solution. D) The problem definition should be written down.
What is A) The manager relied on the employee's speculation as fact. Because the problem definition is based on potentially faulty information, his proposed solution may not solve the actual problem
This source of conflict is one of the more difficult to resolve. A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress
What is A, personal differences
If you saw your manager retreat to his technical specialty and continually focus on how things were done in the past, The behavior would indicate.... A) The manager's desire has deteriorated. B) The manager's ability has deteriorated. C) The manager lacks the necessary resources and support to do his job. D) The manager's talent has deteriorated.
What is B) The three danger signs of lack of ability are (1) taking refuge in a specialty, (2) focusing on past performance, and (3) exaggerating aspects of the leadership role. This example illustrates two of the three.
You should do this to increase your influence within the organization A) Be insensitive to others B) Trust no one and betray others before they betray you C) Continuously play the game of politics D) Never delegate assignments to others E) Advance the goals of the organization
What is E) This is an institutional power view of influence. The opposite is a personal power view, in which the individual seeks to use his or her influence to advance personal goals (sometimes at the expense of the organization).
Your boss has just left your office. You heard what she said but feel there was a hidden message in her statements. This is the type of communication your boss most likely practiced A) Supportive communication B) Nonsupportive communication (it was person-oriented communication) C) Nonsupportive communication (it was incongruent communication) D) Nonsupportive communication (it was evaluative communication) E) Nonsupportive communication (it was problem-oriented communication)
What is C) You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden message something the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent (and therefore nonsupportive) communication.
Your team has experienced an increase in absenteeism in the past six weeks. In the meeting to define the problem, George recommends that personal leave days be abolished. The group ignores that suggestion but instead decides to fire all employees who are absent starting Monday. What went wrong in the decision-making process was A) The first acceptable solution was accepted. B) The problem was stated as part of the solution. C) The problem was stated too explicitly. D) The information about the problem was based on speculation.
What is B) Problems should be explicitly stated so that any ambiguities in the definition become apparent. The problem was in fact not explicitly defined there is no indication that the team has discussed the specific reasons for the absenteeism. This led to the team discussing solutions prior to generating an accurate problem definition.
You recently hired individuals from China, Japan, and Korea to your office. This type of interpersonal conflict would most likely be A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress
What is : A) Though all three hires are from Asia, they bring with them very different backgrounds and perspectives. These different backgrounds can give rise to very different ideas, goals, and values
Having determined that June's poor work performance is related to a lack of ability, The first question you should ask is... A) Why does June have a poor attitude? B) Does June lack commitment? C) Does June have the resources to do the job? D) Why doesn't June try harder?
What is C) The three determinants of ability are (1) aptitude, (2) training, and (3) resources. This answer correctly identifies one of them.
) You have been told that in order to advance your career you must be overly ambitious and be indifferent to problems others face. This is.... A) This is good advice. B) This is bad advice. C) There is not enough information to decide.
What is B) This is clearly bad advice. Research has shown that as between managers with similar educational and expertise, those who failed tended to be overly ambitious and their careers were derailed. They ultimately failed to reach their career aspirations.
Morgan has a problem. Her date has been late the last three times to pick her up and this upsets her. Tonight her date is late again. Morgan should say A) "I can't believe you are late for the fourth time. This really upsets me! Why are you always so late?" B) Nothing, but when he asks, "What's wrong?" reply as coldly as possible "Nothing." C) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. Maybe the next time you should call from the car phone and let me know you are running late." D) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. I wonder if your mother knows how you disrespect me?"
What is C) The steps to descriptive communication are (1) objectively describe your observation, (2) describe your reaction to the behavior, (3) suggest a more acceptable alternative. This answer choice followed the steps quite well.
The problem is that sales are low. The sales manager accepted responsibility and said it was his fault that sales were low. Thus, he proposed offering rebates next month to stimulate sales. Rebates have never been offered in the company before, and the impact rebates may have on sales in the future is unknown. Other alternatives have been offered. Should this rebate idea be implemented as-is? A) Yes B) No, it hasn't been determined whose problem this is. C) No, the idea has only come from one person. D) No, long-term consequences have not been considered.
What is D) The problem with the rebate idea is that long-term consequences have not been considered. Though the rebate idea may stimulate next month's sales, the company would be wise to consider long-term effects before implementing a solution that would create a worse problem than it solves.
Disagreements between line and staff generally be resolved by... A) Repairing the breakdown in the communication/information system B) Intervention of an objective third party C) The mediation of a common superior D) Redesigning their jobs
What is C) Disagreements between line and staff are often the result of role incompatibility and are best solved through the mediation of a common superior.
When poor performance is due to an employee's lack of ability, the least threatening option is A) Release B) Retrain C) Resupply D) Refit E) Reassign
What is C) This assumes that the problem lies with management rather than with the employee. Few employees would be threatened by the conclusion that they have inadequate resources to complete the job.
Members of a work team are in a meeting where the director of the department is present. At the end of the meeting, the presenter asks, "What are your reactions to my presentation?" The members of the work team look at the director and wait for his response. These factors most likely determine a person's power in this organization A) Personal attributes B) Being intimidating C) Position characteristics
What is C) Position characteristics are those that arise from a person's formal position in the organization. Here, the members of a work team defer to the director, who occupies a formal position of authority. There is no evidence that he is more competent or insightful than anyone else, so it is most likely that his power arises as a result of his position.
You have called an employee into your office to discuss his poor performance. The best way to start the conversation is... A) "Nice day, don't you think?" B) "Have you given any thought to doing some quality work here?" C) "We have a problem here, don't we?" D) "Your performance is below average. What do you plan to do about it?" E) "Your output is the lowest in the department. I'm concerned."
What is E) This includes the first two steps of descriptive communication. Next, you should describe specific behaviors that might remedy the problem.
Your group has agreed to do a skit as part of its presentation to the class. Bob believes a "Baywatch" skit with everyone wearing swimsuits would liven up the presentation. Someone in the group remarked, "What a stupid idea!" The step in the analytical problem-solving method violated by this response was A) Define the problem B) Generate alternative solutions C) Evaluate and select an alternative D) Implement and follow up
What is B. The group should finish generating alternative solutions prior to evaluating any of them.
Budget fights (people must do more with less) introduce this source of conflict into the situation A) Personal differences B) Informational deficiency C) Role incompatibility D) Environmental stress E) Personality-defect theory
What is D) Scarcity lowers trust, increases ethnocentrism, and reduces participation in decision making, all of which contribute to environmental stress.
Assume George is a poor performer. You have already provided the necessary resources and training he needs to do the job, yet his performance continues to decline. The next step is A) Release George. How many chances does a person get? B) Redesign the job C) Reassign George to another position D) Place George in a place where his performance will not hurt the company
What is B) This is the next least threatening step. In George's case, it may be helpful to change specific aspects of his current position, for example, by bringing in an assistant to handle telephone calls or correspondence. This frees George up to focus on strengths and increase job performance.
One of the following characteristics are important sources of personal power. A) Flexibility B) Criticality C) Relevance D) Knowledge
What is D, Knowledge increases expertise as a source of personal power.
If you believe people want to do better, to perform successfully, and to be contributors, what assumption do you make? A) Theory X assumption B) Theory Y assumption C) Theory Z assumption D) Stress-free supportive communication assumption
What is B) According to the textbook authors, few individuals are completely recalcitrant about wanting to improve, and few are completely unwilling to work on problem solving when they believe the communicator has their interest at heart.
Your group has a presentation to the class in two weeks. Moe believes that the presentation should be similar to a presentation he gave in his Marketing class last semester. Curly wants it to be similar to his Finance presentation that his group gave earlier this month. Larry believes that the presentation should be like the first group, after all they received an A. You think, what a bunch of stooges. The guideline did your group violated in regard to the analytical problem-solving model was A) Problems should not be defined in terms of solutions. B) Limited information should be given about each alternative. C) The first acceptable alternative should not be accepted right away. D) Alternatives should not be based on what was successful in the past.
What is D) The problem with your group's analytical problem-solving style is that the individuals in the group based their solutions on past similar problems, rather than tailoring solutions to solve the problem at hand. This artificially restricted the scope of possible problem definitions and alternatives.