Jesus on Trial
Crucifixion and Burial
Empty Tomb
Jesus is Alive!

What is the color of the robe the soldiers put on Jesus?

Purple (John 19:2)


How many other men who were crucified with Jesus?



So Peter and the other disciple went forth, and they were going to the tomb. And the two were running together, but the other one was faster. Who came to the tomb first?

John the beloved. (John 20:3-4)



After Jesus showed them both His hands and His side, what are the disciples' reaction?

They rejoiced. (John 20:20)

!!!Take 100 points from each team!!!


What were the Jewish people kept shouting every time Pilate presents Jesus in front of them?

Crucify! Crucify Him! (John 19:6)


After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been finished, in order to finish the Scripture, He said what?

I am thirsty. (John 19:28)

!!!Take 200 points from another team!!!


What did the disciples find inside the tomb?

The linen wrappings and the face-cloth folded by itself. (John 20:5-8)


Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus. What does it mean?

The Twin.



When the chief priests said He ought to die because He made Himself out to be the Son of God, what was Pilate's reaction?

He became more afraid. (John 19:8)

!!!Take 300 points from another team!!!


When Jesus was thirsty, what was used and what drink was given that was brought up to His mouth?

a sponge full of the sour wine. (John 19:29)


Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, she looked into the tomb and saw what?

two angels in white sitting (John 20:12)


What did Thomas say after finally seeing that Jesus was alive?

“My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28)


After Pilate beat Jesus, what did the soldiers do to him afterwards? Name three.

1. They put a crown of thorns on His head

2. Put a purple robe on Him

3. Mocked Him and slapped his face

(John 19:1-3)

3 bible bucks for each team member!


When the soldiers came, they did something to the other men on the cross but did not bother with Jesus. What was it and why?

They broke their legs, not on Jesus because He was already dead. (John 19:32-34)


What did Jesus and the angels asked Mary while she was in the tomb?

"Woman, why are your crying?" (John 20:13, 15)


After Jesus breathed on them and told them to receive the Holy Spirit, what did He say afterwards?

"If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained.” (John 20:23)


The chief priests had falsely accused Jesus of blasphemy, but they themselves were the ones who committed the true blasphemy, what did they finally say to Pilate?  

“We have no king but Caesar.” 

(John 19:15)


In the place where He was crucified there was a garden, what kind of tomb they laid His body on?

a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. (John 19:41)



Recite the April memory verse. Come to the front and let's see what you got!

10 bible bucks for each team member!!!


Recite the April memory verse. Come to the front and let's see what you got!

10 bible bucks for each team member!!!


What did Jesus say to Thomas after he had seen Him?

“Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are those who did not see, and yet believed.” 

(John 20:29)