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Careers in Psychology
One of Dale Canon's "ways of being religious," this way focuses on a personal, private, intimate relationship with God.
What is the way of devotion?
This psychodynamic psychologist studied under Freud and later developed an eight-stage theory of psychosocial development.
Who is Erik Erikson?
the influence of one's environment
What is nurture?
This is the only type of professional in the field of psychology who can prescribe medications.
What is a psychiatrist?
This term refers to a "relationship" between two variables.
What is correlation?
The definition of this term is "a non-active substance or condition that may be administered instead of a drug to see if the drug has an effect beyond the expectations produced by taking it."
What is placebo?
This psychologist is known as the founder of the humanistic perspective and for his theory of the hierarchy of needs.
Who is Abraham Maslow?
the influence of one's biology / genes
What is nature?
This type of psychologist might help clients to overcome smoking, establish an exercise routine, or work to lower blood pressure by teaching stress management techniques.
What is a health psychologist?
If a researcher wants to study the effects of trauma, she would have to use a research method called a _____ because she could not ethically recreate traumatic experiences for her research participants.
What is a case study?
This is a recent movement in psychology, led by Martin Seligman; it is sometimes referred to as a modern-day humanistic psychology which more clearly defines its terms and is more scientific.
What is positive psychology?
This cognitive psychologist developed a four-stage theory of childhood cognitive development over the course of his 50-year career.
Who is Jean Piaget?
a research method designed to discover environmental and genetic influences on various factors such as intelligence or personaity; involves studying twins who are genetically the same but reared apart.
What is an identical twin study?
This type of psychologist would work could work in a business office, helping employees to be more productive and to feel happier about the work environment. She could also work with employers to help them create healthier, happier working environments and relationships.
What is an industrial/organizational psychologist?
If a researcher wanted to study development, she could use a _____ study.
What is a cross-sectional / longitudinal?
This humanistic term is defined as one's ideal self, reaching one's full potential; the highest tier of the hierarchy of needs.
What is self-actualization?
This American psychologist is known as the founder of behaviorism.
Who is John B. Watson?
Research shows that _____ is / are more influenced by nurture than nature.
What are religious beliefs / political beliefs / values / manners?
In a school setting, this type of psychologist is the only type that is trained to administer tests, such as personality or intelligence tests, to students.
What is a school psychologist?
If two variables are perfectly correlated, r, the Pearson correlation coefficient, would equal _____.
What is r = +1?
Define "psychology."
What is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes?
This "pre-behaviorist" is best known for his study of classical conditioning involving dogs, a bell / tuning fork, and food. He won the Novel Prize for his work in 1904.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
Research shows that _____ is / are more influenced by nature than nurture.
What is personality / intelligence / fears / abilities
This type of psychologist could work in private practice, providing therapy for individuals or groups of people. Her areas of expertise may be more focused on abnormal psychology than, for example, a counseling psychologist.
What is a clinical psychologist?
If a researcher wanted to know whether one variable caused something to happen to another variable, she would have to conduct a(n) _____.
What is an experiment?