I / E
T / F
J / P

Lucy really enjoys the variety of work. Her role involves being a part of many projects and initiatives. She enjoys that everyday is different and she gets to interact with a large number of people. What preference is she likely to be?

She is likely an E


If you have a natural inclination to "get into the weeds", which preference are you likely?



If you are a naturally empathetic person who easily feels other's emotional states, what preference are you likely?



Shawn loves making a to-do list every morning before starting his workday. It makes him feel accomplished as the day goes on and he checks items off, one-by one. What does Shawn likely have a strong preference for?

J - Judging


Find at least 3 things your team has in common (it cannot be obvious- like you all work at COV...)

Great job!


Name two situations where an introvert may act like an extravert. 

1) When they are passionate about something

2) When they are around people they are familiar with


Jack is a strong visionary. He sees what's possible and enjoys striving towards making that vision a reality. Which preference is he likely?



Diana's dream car is a luxury brand, cherry red, sports convertible. She, however, lives in Northern Ontario where there is endless snow. She knows owning that convertible isn't the practical solution so she buys an SUV instead. Which preference did Diana use to make her final decision?

She used T


Melissa had intended on going to the gym Saturday morning. When she wakes up on Saturday, she looks outside and sees a snowstorm. She immediately gets back into her bed and comfortably goes back to sleep. Which preference does she likely have?

P - Perceiving


Solve this riddle: What goes up, but never comes down?

Your age!


Name two situations where an extravert may act like an introvert.

1) When they are highly stressed, tired/exhausted

2) When they are out of their comfort zone or among others who are very quiet and reserved


Julia naturally enjoys inventing things. She can think outside of the box and see what's possible. She has learned to then make a detailed plan and make her inventions come to life. Which preference is Julia naturally? Is she showing signs of a strong preference or signs of something else?

Julia is likely showing preferences for N but has learned how to be an S. She is likely midzone.


Jason and Ariana's son is turning 5 and wants to invite his whole JK class of 20 kids to his bowling party. The venue will only allow 15 kids. Jason wants to explain to their son, he must only invite 15 kids. Ariana wants to move the location to a different bowling alley that will allow all 20. Which preferences are Jason and Ariana displaying?

Jason is likely T

Ariana is likely F


Name an element of your role where it serves you to bring forward more J qualities.

Name an element of your role where it serves you to bring forward more P qualities.

Managing or leading a project - J

Re-prioritizing daily tasks - P


Name one of the top three artists on Spotify (based on monthly listeners) as of February 2025.

Bruno Mars, The Weekend, Lady Gaga


In what ways might introverts and extroverts differ during a brainstorming team meeting?

Extraverts may appear more engaged

Introverts may need more time to process - they may send ideas after the session is over or may offer more ideas if given time to think


Give an example of the differing strengths of S and N when it comes to planning a 3 week vacation to visit London, Paris and Rome.

S - may plan the details of how to get to point a to b, which hotels to stay at, purchase tickets to attractions

N - may look at the big attractions to visit within each country, look at what's happening at the time of visiting 


At work, Billy is in the Finance Department. He makes decisions using logic, and numerical analysis. At home, Billy is much more in tune and driven by his emotions. He bases a lot of personal decisions on his intuition. Which preference is Billy's natural inclination?

Billy is likely a natural F who has developed his T


Its the first day of Ralph's vacation and he feels super relaxed. He has a high-stress position which requires him to plan, schedule and be very regimented. He is excited to just let the day unfold and experience all there is to do. Even though he enjoys routine and structure naturally, when on vacation, he likes to relax and let it all unfold organically. What preference does Ralph display while at work? On vacation? Which one do you think is his natural preference?

At work - J

On Vacation - P

Naturally: J


Solve this riddle: What starts with T, ends with T, and has T in it? 

A teapot!


If someone is an introvert and needs processing time for idea generation or to come up with solutions to complex issues, what is something they can do if heading into a meeting where this will be expected of them?

Ask for topics in advance

Prepare ahead of time

Ask for time afterwards


Bobby is a new manager. Previously, Bobby was an individual contributor. He easily executed detailed plans in this role. Part of his new role is leading a team with a strong strategic plan. Cultivating this skill is taking him some time and intentional effort. This does not come as easily to him but he will succeed with some time and practice. Which preference is Bobby likely to be?

Likely to be a natural S but is working towards developing his N


Lily's is talking to her mom who is complaining about her high cholesterol. Lily has given advice to her mom, many times on how she may alleviate this concern. She's frustrated that her mom seems to not listen to her. She takes a breath and reminds herself that it's hard for her mom to start a routine. She decides to not lead with fixing her mom's issue but rather just make her feel heard. What preference is Lily's natural go to here?

Lily is a natural T but has learned to lean into her F.


Shawn has been looking forward to his trip abroad for months! He has planned the itinerary, packed his suitcases well in advance and is now waiting on his friends at the airport. When Shawn's friends arrive, they are 30 minutes late and Shawn notices they did not stick to his packing list. What preference is Shawn and his friends? How do you think the rest of the trip will unfold?

Shawn is a strong J, his friends are P's. Both will have to compromise and work together to allow the trip to go over smoothly.


Pick a song, and properly sing out all the words of the chorus. 

Congratulations, songbirds!